Is Deep Air / Light Deco (bounce?) Discussible on ScubaBoard?

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Tigerman, just checked out your very pertinent "a lesson learned" thread in your sig line. Good post.
... of course, doing the same stupid things for 50 years doesn't make them any less stupid ...

Some people just learn quicker than others ...(post 48)
calling "knowone" stupid?
Nope ... intelligent people do stupid things sometimes. Sometimes they even do them over and over.

Saying someone did a stupid thing is not the same as calling the person stupid.

As I said, attack the position ... not the person ... I think you comprehend the difference.

On the other hand, I doubt I could ever learn anything from Halemano. He's too angry ... angry people scare me.

gigglingly angry, you lie!)
Perhaps you should read your own posts sometime ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
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Well we already told you that you are not qualified to do the deep air dives due to your inexperience.

If you are so dull and uninformed that it is impossible to imagine why someone might choose to dive 142 feet on air, then there is no reason to try to explain it to you. Hell, my mother has not been able to understand why I scuba dive (or freedive) at all.

My, my, my, so quick to judge based on what, an internet forum? Because of an number in a profile?

And you decide I am "so dull and uninformed that it is impossible to imagine why someone might choose to dive 142 feet on air" . . . tell me, how deep have I dove before?

What is the magic number to make it a "deep" dive on air? And what, pray tell, does your mother have to do with anything in this thread?

So, do you really think that scathing, presumptuous replies to serious queries on this thread is doing a darned thing for making your case that such a topic should be discussed?

:hm: So far, I am taking away that the people that do deep (bounce) dives are arrogant, snide, jerks that are so full of themselves and sure of their fringe behavior that they deign to discuss the actual means of such an act, and instead resort to supercilious, mocking, jeering non-answers as a shield to their insecurity.

. . . Wait -- that kind of means the question is being answered, after all! :popcorn:
Jax it has nothing to do with wanting to dive deep air. There already diving deep air and want to go deeper and need a little knowledge on how to do so. If you are looking for a reason to WANT to do it, it aint there, especially for you, you claim to be some what of an engineer, you do not have what it takes to be able to change your profile quickly and know what amount of time and at what depths.
You jax need calculations and need it to be one solid plan for you to perform that task.

Well, thank goodness, that's a little better than the Dumpster's insulting reply.

Forget who I am (somewhat of an engineer? :whatever: ), and key on the questions, please. You guys are jumping to an AWFUL lot of conclusions with no basis in fact! Even a quick perusal of my online profile might show you how ignorant your premise.

Now . . . from what you said . .

WHY would one want to change their profile quickly? Do you indeed TRUST such quick changes when under the influences of N2 and O2 at depth?

What do you, as deep air divers, consider to be "sufficient" in experience? What do you consider to be "too deep" and / or "too long"?

You say you want to discuss this -- I'm asking that you do.

FTR - I agree 100% with DiveNav -- I've seen far too many people not have a clue of the impact of 'deep' on their air usage and abilities.

Nope ... intelligent people do stupid things sometimes. Sometimes they even do them over and over.

Saying someone did a stupid thing is not the same as calling the person stupid.

As I said, attack the position ... not the person ... I think you comprehend the difference.


... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Y'know, Bob, I'm not so sure you are correct in the emphasized statement. :shakehead:
...Tell me, how deep have I dove before?

Is this a guessing game? This is a deep air thread..So I will ask you: How deep have you dove on air?

I have dove to 289' on air, solo in warm water, ONCE. A few spearfishing dives to around 240 in warm water with explosive speartips and I now try to stay less than 200 and probably will never go below around 220 unless there were some kind of emergency.

Incidentally, I was the one who bitched to NetDoc when this thread was closed after like 6 posts, I was happy it was re-opened and I think it has gone reasonably well.

I looked at your profile and see you are a women in her 50's.... I promise to play nice..(even if you type like a 23-yr old geek whose oldest piece of dive gear is probably newer than any gear I own). :D
What do you, as deep air divers, consider to be "sufficient" in experience?

You know it, when you see it. It's something you can see in the water with another diver, not over the internet. Same goes for any advanced diving activity really..
Is this a guessing game? This is a deep air thread.

No, not a guessing game, I thought that maybe you were capable of deductive reasoning. :kiss2:

So, what was your progression to deep air? Why did you go deeper than 200'? or 225'? Was there are reason, or were you simply testing your limits?

Was it finances, that you could not afford the stupid-expensive helium mixes?

Do you simply not dive deep often enough to make it worth your while?

Have you tried Trimix? I understand a trimix instructor will dive deep with you, and then share his/her air at depth.

People, whose opinion I respect (like Docc), who were advocates of diving ~200 and maybe deeper on air, now concludes that trimix is better for him. He can describe the reasons he thinks that way. I suspect he will still occasionally dive deep-ish on air, but doubt that it would be THAT deep.
You know it, when you see it. It's something you can see in the water with another diver, not over the internet. Same goes for any advanced diving activity really..

Oh, dear; now this is the kind of answer that I was afraid of . . . maybe others are too.

Scenario - an AOW student with the deep diving specialty ( :fear: ) is reading this kind of stuff . .. Diving in Cozumel, like DiveNav. Everybody dives Devil's Throat.

He starts to go in . . . he's unsure. But everyone does it. He waits and lets a few go in front of him. Finally, he get's up his courage and comes out . . .

He"knows" it, because he's "seen" it. This time was okay.

Maybe next time, he follows a turtle. Oh, look, I went to 130! Wow. Damn, air went fast, better go up . . .

Next time, he . . . .

. . . is talked about in the Accidents and Incidents threads . . . .
Guys, you're displaying the same attitude of a lot of others on this board - people for whom I (and others) hold no respect because you prefer to attack the person instead of having the "adult debate".

A year ago, I happened to mention that I carry EAN40 in my pony tank. The thread deteriorated into a "you're stupid, you're gonna die, no one does that, that's too rich, etc." discussion. Interestingly, not one person ever asked - "under what circumstances do you dive with that?", or "What precautions do you take?", NOR did anyone have a lucid argument that said why such a practice is wrong.

So, here I am, asking the questions of you. I am asking, "Why do you choose to do that? (dive deep on air)" "What is deep, for you?" "What precautions do you take?" "What training (or mentoring!) did you pursue prior to diving deep (or deeper)?"

Will you take the time to answer reasonable questions, or will you continue on the "If you haven't done it, you won't understand" track?

And remember what they say when you assume: you make an ASS out of U and ME.

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