Mark Michaud SELAUSAR
SPD, I wonder if the lack of smell or taste in this situation might yield a high false negative result when using this method to determine the presence of a body. I have no objective research to support this statement, other than my own anecdotal evidence. I have been involved with the underwater recovery of 9 bodies. 6 of these were fairly advanced in their state of decomposition. I noticed a "taste" on 4 of these decomp. cases, but did not on the other 2 decomps. The four I "tasted" were in stagnant/slow moving water, whereas the decomps that I did not taste were in water with a slow to moderate current (of course, once brought out of the water, there was considerable bad odor on all decomps). On one of the cases, I did not touch the body after locating it (one of the "no tasters") and when I exited the water, my gear had no appreciable odor. The flow I have experienced in my previous trips to Vortex in certain areas was faster than the flow rate I experienced with the recoveries where I did not taste decomposition. I wonder if the flow in Vortex could possibly have kept the recovery divers you mention from having this very unpleasant and unforgetable experience.
In Vortex, the cave is basically a single tunnel and it is not very big. It is biggest before the gate and that is about the size of a garage door. At then end of the long restriction it get a bit larger for a minute, just before going deep. There is not much to be missed in a search. I guess anything is possible, but in that small contained environment I would think the odor would be prevelant. In this case, it would seem, there is no odor, no body, and nowhere else to check in the cave.
The word "Hoax" has been used some and that makes me think about the balloon boy incident. Hoax may be a little strong. It may be more of a disapperaing act for whatever reasons with no ill intent meant for others. If the "stories" of his making peace with loved ones and kinda saying goodbye are true then the search is already leading elsewhere and we are not privy to that. It is very sad that family and friends are always the real victims in cases like this. Not knowing leaves such a sad hole in their lives that they have to deal with until there is an answer. My thoughts are with the family as they have more questions then answers. I hope the Sheriff's Office can find something to ease their pain.