If you read the comments below the news story, the second to last comment is as follows:
Posted by: Shelby McDaniel Location: Collierville, Tn on Sep 13, 2010 at 11:24 PM
"It is apparent to me that reporter, Meagan O'Halloran is being informed by Vortex Management ideas to plant in peoples minds purposely trying to get everyone to thinking the unthinkable and unrealistic notion my son is not even in the cave-----which is absurb and riduculous. The situation whould have been avoided altogether if the employee who opened the gate for Ben as Ben was entering and the employee was exiting if the employee had stopped Ben immediately and escorted him out. And to AL suggesting a stupid Houdini trick, you have a warped sense of humor and you must not care for human life or you must not have kids or you would exhaust every means possibe to recover them. I feel sorry for you."
I do not think they are denying that Ben died because he did something he was untrained to do.
Looks like it to me...