First Piece of Equipment - Recommendations??

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That is, what type of diving are you planning on doing- now and in the future? As I see it, this has a large bearing on what equipment you will want/need and how much to spend. For instance, if almost all of your diving is say shallow Caribean reef diving, a mid priced reg, a simple computer and a travel BC would do nicely. On the other hand, it you intend to get into, oh say cave diving in the future, then a Hylcon wing and BP with the best reg you can get your hands on is more the way to go. Maybe some where in the middle is what you need. Only you can answer that question.

Good point..I am definitely in the middle of the road now - some wreck penetration and cave entrance exploration. I could see myself getting more into technical diving, so maybe something with expandability makes sense.

Do you want things like intergrated weights or pockets or the ability to handle twin tanks or nitrox on the computer.

Well, I would like integrated weights, but if I have to sacrifice them to avoid buying another BC later I would do so gladly..same with pockets. Twin tanks is a non-issue right now, but I may get into some of that later. I originally looked at the Cobra for the Nitrox capability, as I am planning to take my Nitrox course in June.

I hear you on the Ranger size issue....I dove with a guy that had one and it looked like a beast to pack.

Right now I am thinking wetsuit first, then regs, then BC, then computer last..

Put off diving until you own your gear (carrot~on~a~stick)...

No way this is going to happen...I am not going to forego a sport I love so I can save up a few grand to buy some gear. I already have the money for a full set of gear, but I am spending it to go to the Caribbean again in August so I can dive. I would rather have rental gear and be diving in the Caribbean than a sweet set of gear and a local quarry.

Thanks for all the help!
Originally posted by O-ring
I would rather have rental gear and be diving in the Caribbean than a sweet set of gear and a local quarry.

See, that is where I differ from you. I would rather be in the quarry working on my skills and getting used to and familiar with my new equipment, then using rental gear in the Caribbean. Of course, I am a little strange, and I do see a very strong arguement made for your decision. It is all about priorities.
You are probably a much more experienced diver than either myself or my fiancee. I think she loves diving more for the aquatic life than anything else, while I like the exploration of wrecks/caves, etc. and am much more interested in technical diving (she doesn't even want to take the Nitrox course).

I have to balance her love of resorts too...hence we will probably always end up compromising on going somewhere with a resort, aquatic life, and diving rather than spending money on technical gear, etc. She likes a couple days at the beach while I dive every day of the vacation if I can.
Point well taken. I completely understand why you choose what you do. Have fun in the Caribbean! :)
Priority No.1: Keep the wife happy and interested!!! Everything else is secondary to this creed. Things will fall in place as long as she's happy. This is the greatest investment you can make.

Good luck.

I could arrange a "you buy clothes I buy gear" deal with her to get some stuff...
I would go with a suit first because you want one that fits you just right to keep you warm. I would then most likely go with the reg and/or bc or backplate and wings I would try to get the Bc and regs close together so i can have everything clipped off where i want it and in place. Know what im saying?
i'm still a newbie but i'm planning to go in this order.

I already have my mask, fins, snorkel, booties, weight belt

because i had to buy them for the pool sessions.

I went and bought my wetsuit today, actually i ordered it

because it wasn't in stock.

After, i'm thinking of getting a package (reg,bp/wings,computer)

from my lds because they'll give me a much better deal on my

equipment. But i'm not sure if i'm going to go that way because i

want an apex reg (thanx to all of you apex lovers out there) and

they don't carry those regs there.

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