I have splits. There is one between each toe and one between each finger but I'm not a particularly efficient swimmer and wouldn't use that as an model for designing a swim fin.
But wait, they produce little vortexes that make you go faster!

From what I have observed, most divers don't have a good idea of kicking technique. They just move their feet in the hopes of moving forwards -- with splits, this works because you have pieces of fin flopping around all over the place. Heck, most divers don't even attempt to use the fin, they just move their feet as if there's no fin attached...they're clueless to the idea of using the blade of the fin to propel yourselc.
Since there's a big hole down the middle, splits take almost zero effort to move. People are lazy -- which do you think most people would choose? Besides, half of scuba these days seems to be a fashion show, and splits are no exception. How many ridiculous fashions do we see above the water that serve no purpose?
I sincerely believe that if most people were shown how to frog kick with paddle fins, they'd laugh at the idea of splits.
I feel a good analogy would be comparing fins to cars. Splits would be some old jalopy from the 60s or 70s with a big dead spot in the middle of steering. Gets you where you need to go, but isn't particularly accurate. Jets are more of a precision race car -- gets you where you need to go with fantastic handling, control, and power.