You want me to read a 49 page report? Yeah, I'll get on that.
Hits do happen, and causes are debatable, but fortunately they are very rare. We have a Deco forum where they discuss theory.
And you want me to browse youtube. Does he know more than DAN? Yeah, I'll get on that.
Aren't you the guy that starts most of the incident threads with posts from media reports? Here are a couple of hundred incidents all written down in one place. Reading it and the previous 40 years of similar reports might be quite informative. What is the use of theory if you are not prepared to look at the outcomes?
What does very rare mean? Here are 70. It is hard to say how many divers dived to get those 70 so it might be 1 in 10k or one in 500 got a bend. DCI happens despite training, computers and so forth. How it come so to happen ought to be of interest to anyone trying to avoid it. Unlike many accidents which have clearly started before the diver got into the water a significant proportion of the DCI incidents happen within limits.