Long safety stop and slow ascents, yes. Absolutely no evidence on deep stops for recreational diving, and some indication that deep stops 'may' increase N2 load, again, in NDL diving. I have found I feel best after 3 mins at 20ft and at least 5 at 10ft (sometimes more) in the kind of profiles Cozumel diving usually offers. A good very simple strategy is to just hang at 10ft until your computer N2 bar graph goes from 'yellow' to 'green'. On some repetitive dives this not practical because one of the slower compartments may be controlling, and those take longer to off-gass. Then a VERY slow ascent from 10 ft, maybe taking a good 30 secs-1 min to surface.
But in terms of avoiding DSC overall, I would also include good hydration, fitness, and avoiding up-down-up-down profiles.
As far as nitrox being a waste on Cozumel, I agree that with 2 dives/day given the typical multi-level profiles, it's not worth the extra cost, at least to me. But, if I were doing 4 dives/day I'd use it.