"Different" Women?

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underwater daphne:
are most women divers tomboys or used to be?

Speaking for myself and a couple other women in my club, yes - one is an historian who tech dives - wow, do I respect her! Another who comes to mind is a very successful enterpreneur who trains and barrel-races quarterhorses, also someone I admire a great deal. The women I have trouble respecting are those who dive because their SO does, and they'd never dream of doing it if he didn't. They tag along just to make sure their SO isn't alone with a strange woman in a wetsuit!
I always wanted to be a thrill seeker but for various reasons couldn't be when I was younger. Now at 47 I am diving and am planning on taking up hang gliding with hubby sometime soon. I'll be a very happy woman if I continue diving and gliding forever.......
I agree with this, I agree people who dive are different, and women who decide to dive on their own, not to please an SO, are different also. I am a biologist - it's gotta be pretty gross and pretty scary to faze me! I am also a single mom of 2 school age kids and I do not have a good job - learning to dive meant sacrifice for me (no new books for 6 months, wearing my socks til they wore right out, etc.). I have always been a bit of a tomboy and quite athletic (I also run, cycle, lift weights, skate, cross-country ski). I am a risk-taker, and an adrenaline junkie. Before I had kids, I was a volunteer fire-fighter.

I don't have a photo posted because well, like why?? But I am going to try and find someone to take a photo of myself I can post, just to shut some people up!

And I totally love HBI, even though I didn't apply for membership because I don't think I have what it takes. Maybe in a few more years!

I completely agree with you. I haven't been diving that long, and I didn't do it to please someone else. I did it because of my love of the water, and a curiosity to learn about marine life. I also had to sacrifice alot to take up this sport, as I am also single; but that's okay, I would rather pay my own way.

Even though I haven't been diving all that long, I have met many interesting people (both men and women) and being the type of person that I am, I love to watch the personal dynamics of others. It is really interesting to watch dive buddies that are couples. I found 2 different types: 1. the couple that truly work together as buddies, and thoroughly enjoy each other and their dive experiences together. If I ever find a buddy/partner, I hope this our experience. 2. The couple where the man is completely in charge, and is constantly critiquing everything that the woman diver does, and did. The only peace and quiet these poor women know is when they are at depth. I know I will never be this type, because I would never tolerate that behavior.

Most women divers that I have encountered have been friendly, and I have always enjoyed their company.

Just my 2 cents,

Even though I haven't been diving all that long, I have met many interesting people (both men and women) and being the type of person that I am, I love to watch the personal dynamics of others. It is really interesting to watch dive buddies that are couples. I found 2 different types: 1. the couple that truly work together as buddies, and thoroughly enjoy each other and their dive experiences together. If I ever find a buddy/partner, I hope this our experience. 2. The couple where the man is completely in charge, and is constantly critiquing everything that the woman diver does, and did. The only peace and quiet these poor women know is when they are at depth. I know I will never be this type, because I would never tolerate that behavior.

Most women divers that I have encountered have been friendly, and I have always enjoyed their company.

Have you ever encountered the dynamic where the man patiently does everything for his SO, carries everything, adjusts everything, plans everything, and she just seems to be along for the "ride", and when she gets tired or cold or bored the dive is over? A passive control strategy. I too want a dive partner, a LIFE partner, who is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about being active, and not just there to keep an eye on me or tell me what to do (been there, done that, for 14 horrible years). Someone who respects and really enjoys me for myself, doesn't just want me as a slave, or a trophy.
Have you ever encountered the dynamic where the man patiently does everything for his SO, carries everything, adjusts everything, plans everything, and she just seems to be along for the "ride", and when she gets tired or cold or bored the dive is over? A passive control strategy. I too want a dive partner, a LIFE partner, who is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about being active, and not just there to keep an eye on me or tell me what to do (been there, done that, for 14 horrible years). Someone who respects and really enjoys me for myself, doesn't just want me as a slave, or a trophy.

Lol, yes I have encountered the type. I can't really understand why they are even there, it is certainly not the love of the dive. Unfortunately, it seems that sometimes that is what some men (not all) are looking for. I have no desire to be a slave, or a passive participant in my own life. (Hope I'm not coming off as a *****).

Many of my non-diving friends, both male and female, don't understand why I would want to load, unload, carry, setup all of my equipment, and then reverse the process at the end of a dive. I can't explain it to them; diving is something that you feel. For me, it gives me the peace that I so crave in my very hectic life. It also is challenging to me, which I find very important. Someone said in this thread that any fear they may feel is overpowered by a drive to succeed and a force to overcome fear; I feel exactly the same way.

Definitly Different, WE ARE JUST WAYY COOLER!!!!!! :crafty:
you know...you pretty much see it all after only a few months teaching...

1. girls showing up to the site (in Canada) wearing high heeled shoes
2. couples meeting in their open water course
3. couples divorcing after their open water course
4. girlfriends crying in their open water course
5. Boyfriends crying in their open water course

Dominant women, dominant men. You can pick 'em out a mile away - it's hilarious, wonderful, and sometimes a big pain in the butt...

But by far the most fun to teach are the tomboys...
you know...you pretty much see it all after only a few months teaching...

1. girls showing up to the site (in Canada) wearing high heeled shoes

Those aren't high-heeled shoes, they're cowboy boots . . . :lol3: :lol3:
underwater daphne:
are most women divers tomboys or used to be?
I guess i could be considered a tomboy. I like to snowmachine, ski, skate, and wakeboard every chance I get, as long is it includes water or frozen water I am there. I am not exactly an adrenaline junky but I do like to go fast, just not out of control. I don't think as a diver that I am different from other ladies, I do think that being involved in many sports as a youngster and teenager made a difference in my confidence level. Therefor I was able to go for it and get my dive cert by myself, for myself. There it is... for me it was sports that made a difference. Just like that Nikey commercial :wink:

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