What are you wanting me to show is beneficial? Do you feel that having the additional information at what depth you start off-gassing versus on-gassing serves no purpose? It is just information. Use it or don't use it. Have you asked Shearwater to shows studies that show the GF99 function is beneficial? MultiDeco shows the off-gassing depth in your dive plan. Have you asked Ross to post studies to show that providing that information is beneficial? Again, it is just information available. You can turn off PDIS if you don't want to see your off-gassing depth...it is pretty simple.Could you post the studies that show this is beneficial? I have done a lot of research on this topic, and I seem to have missed them.
If you took from my comments that I am stating that performing the 2 minutes stops at the depth shown by PDIS is beneficial, then you misunderstand.