The Shearwater's a no-brainer for a few bucks -- $125 -- more.
Personally I despise the damn fools who decided on brick mode for Suunto. My first dive computer, the Suunto D9tx -- that's a trimix "technical" 'puter says the Suunto blurb. Excited that I get to dive it for the first time on holiday. On arrival I jump into the pool with it in Gauge mode and quickly discover that the damn thing won't work in Dive mode for 48 hours. Also discovered that 36 hours isn't 48 hours, so it was a bloody brick for 4 days

Subsequently discovered what a turd it was for technical diving. Too complex and way too hard to use underwater... and bricks if you don't do the Suunto tax (extra time due to the proprietary algorithm even if it's in the most "aggressive" mode).
Agreed, this G2 computer's a little bit better than Suunto, but it's completely outclassed by the Perdix.
BTW why Swift? Why not save about $125 and buy the Aqualung transmitter which is very compatible with the Perdix (I use one on my rebreather). Oh, then the price is the same!