A couple of comments from a GUE/UTD (before it was UTD) "graduate" about comments made on this thread:
a. Re GUE instructors NOT being in the water. Guys, TSandM was referring SOLELY to her GUE instructors NOT being in the water for the swim tests. My GUE instructor (the same one she had) did not go in the pool for my swim test either. BUT, AT ALL TIMES, her GUE instructors were in the water with her while actually instructing/evaluating in water skills. BTW, I don't go in the water to swim with my students when they are doing their swim tests either -- I'm watching and counting laps.
b. Gear stuff -- Both GUE/UTD have gear "mandates" for their classes, as do DSAT, TDI, etc. for their comparable classes. "Fundies/Essentials" are, in reality, Intro-to-Technical Diving classes and thus really need to have at least some semblance of technical gear to work. But don't get hung up on the gear -- what is really important is the other training. The gear is not a major part of either class.
c. "It is the instructor, not the agency." While something that is often said (and derided), it is ever so true, even within the "DIR training world." What is good about GUE/UTD instructors is that the agencies have done most of the work for you in picking/training their instructors -- but you still need to work with an instructor that "works for you." Not every GUE/UTD instructor will teach the same way and some just won't really work for every particular student. AND, believe it or not, there really are some PADI/SSI/(insert alphabet soup agency here) instructors who will teach you the same, or similar, primary/important skills. Of course those instructors tend to be ones who have been trained by GUE/UTD instructors and thus have the same mindset -- BUT, they are out there and can be found.
Enjoy the journey.