Using two zip ties doesn't factor into the argument either way. You brought up the zip ties used on corrugated hoses. The fact that everyone uses two zip ties at each end isn't an "admission that the former isn't ideal". I agree with your conclusion, just not that particular argument. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
I agree. You went through the process, tried both ways, and saw for yourself the reasons why one approach was better. Isn't this the best way for people to learn things for themselves?
I just get tired of seeing someone asking a simple question in order to learn something, and getting bashed like crazy when they try to figure out more of the reasons behind the answers they get. You've got to stop bashing folks for asking the "Why?"s behind the answers they get.
PS-Sorry for quoting you Gombessa, my comments are mostly directed elsewhere.
Nothing wrong with asking but when you get an answer you don't like and you turn it in to an argument it just looks silly. Particularly when the person arguing is speaking from a level of experience that is significantly less than those who answered the question to start with. Ask the question, get the answer, ask for clarifications if needed, but if you want to challenge the answer I suggest that the person doing so recognize from whence the answer came. Just my 2cents. Everybody has probably been down the same path.