BP/Wings: Why aren't they offered to first time purchasers??

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You guys are starting to make me feel bad that I bought my Dive Rite Transpac II - but I really like it!!!!!! (Ok, OK - I haven't ever dived with a BP/Wing - so I really can't compare - but from my observation it appears that the Transpac II is the closest thing I've found to a middle ground between vest style BC and BP/wing confinguration. (Which is what led me to purchase it in the first place - as I suspect I will be mostly a recreational diver - with maybe some Wreck stuff later - caves I'm not so sure about - but I have yet to come face ot face with that 'beckoning' feeling at the mouth of a cave. I am told that has turned som non-cavers into caver wannabees...
Originally posted by martinjc
You guys are starting to make me feel bad that I bought my Dive Rite Transpac II - but I really like it!!!!!!

There, there... it's alright :alright:

I have a friend who had the same rig and really liked it too...
If you do get a chance to try the minimalist approach with a plain BP/harness/wing then do....
But until then enjoy your Transpac .... :wink:
And remember.... that is what ebay is for.
I took my OW Cert dives in a BP/wings and was offered a set for purchas. I plan to buy it but the money is a barier. just the BP and wings and weights is $450 (I think a good price) but I can buy last years rental gear for $600 with a Balance BC, Apex Reg, octo, spg, and prodigy computer.

I still plan to buy the BP/Wings but not till next winter.
My "boss" at the shop called me on my cell phone and said he'd just gotten in a backplate and harness and wants help setting it up. Says a couple of customers asked for one. So, I get to set up my "tech corner" next week. Now let's see, what to order:

7' hose
Surgical tubing
cave line

hey, hey, this is going to be fun!

Originally posted by Uncle Pug
Is the BP/Harness/Wing really the best for the casual rec. diver?

That aside, most of the LDS in the greater Seattle area do not stock nor do their teachers dive BP/Wing systems...

Uncle Pug, this shop is great for Tech gear, and they are based in Seattle; they have 2 shops there. (They are truly dedicated to DIR and doing right for the diver, but they'll happily sell you a jacket BC if it's what you want...)
http://www.h2oadventuregear.com/ (they also do their OW classes with students learning with BP/Wing setups)

As for the LDS's selling for the sake of selling vs. sake of the diver, there's both... I've seen both at different ends of extreme here in NYC, but the key is being a smart comsumer and knowing what you want by doing RESEARCH! If your shop doesn't have some sort of try it first or forgiving return policy, go somewhere else...

and as for torpical travel... when I take off for the Bay Islands in two months, you know I'm taking my BP/Wing with me... How could I possibly hope to fit my zeagle ranger into a backpack?
Originally posted by jetblast00
Uncle Pug, this shop is great for Tech gear, and they are based in Seattle; they have 2 shops there. (They are truly dedicated to DIR and doing right for the diver, but they'll happily sell you a jacket BC if it's what you want...)
http://www.h2oadventuregear.com/ (they also do their OW classes with students learning with BP/Wing setups)

I know :wink:
I finally got a UPS tracking number...My pioneer and harness will be here tomorrow unless UPS loses it somewhere Toledo and Meeechigan. Report to follow.
Congrats Windknot, you're gonna love it! Go over the available DIR literature to set up your harness properly. A few notes off the top of my head:

1) The waist buckle should be right above your right iliac crest (the little bony part of your pelvis down there on your right hip), not in the middle of your belly.

2) You'll likely need to add some clever innertube bits here and there to secure backup lights and such. It's much easier to add those bits BEFORE threading the webbing onto the backplate. Take it from me -- I threaded my backplate no less than four times.

3) DON'T CUT THE WEBBING until you've done a dive or two and really thought about everything -- once you cut too much, you'll never be able to use it again. ;-0

- Warren
Originally posted by VTWarrenG
-- once you cut too much, you'll never be able to use it again. ;-0
- Warren

Man Warren... get a grip...the stuff only costs $1 a foot :wink:

Hey Windy... save the off-cuts...
You can make yourself a nice argon bottle holder... see my profile..
Or even a nice knife scabbard...:D
Are the kind of pictures that I like....If you have any more let me know and I'll send you my non-scuba email and you can give me all of your tips.


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