I didn't read through the whole theard so forgive me if I repeat some other comments.
I think I would be very, very scared to dive with that operator and the number of, sorry, idiots on the boat. Because I see that they are not only dumb, but also ignorant and speak louder about the wrong things, which imo, can be very dangerous diving/leadership style and produce wrong information for clueless new divers.
Dive with fully inflated BCD? Crap advice and can be really dangerous.
And who? captain or dm who make fun and insult guess (
Well, nine years ago they should already have the similar DM manual which states otherwise strongly), put your buddy's octopus inside the pocket (
were they trying to prove that your diving style is dangerous by blocking you source of help in case you needed one? What an *** if that's the case!) and for the fact that their knowledge is
WRONG BUT LOUD, they should be kicked on the groin repeately with twinjet at least or had their licences suspended.
Seriously, they are lucky if none of divers they lead get into trouble.
Sorry for your bad experience, it's very good that you handle it good. I might push them into the sea as I have bad nerve and bad temper.