Turtles to the left of me, stingrays to the right I make my way through the untamed underwater world to bring you... The Boynton Dive Chronicles.
Today's exciting episode is entitled "Turtle Terror".
Daybreak finds our hero gliding siliently over the ledges of Black Condopolis. Out of the corner of his eye he spots what seems to be an ordinary run of the mill great big Loggerhead Turtle sleeping on top of the reef. Upon closer examination though, his sharp eyes notice a familiar bite mark on the turtle's shell.
"Hey! That looks like the turtle that swam over to me a few months back, then kicked me, then swam away!" Scubakev said, perhaps a little too loudly, 'cause the turtle's eye slowly opened and focused on Scubakev's head, just inches away from its powerful bone crushing beak.
Suddenly, before Scubakev could get out of range the turtle clamped onto Scubakev's throat and began twisting in a horrificly violent death roll. Well, maybe he didn't exactly clamp onto his throat, but in one fluid motion he did shut his poweful eyelid and go back to sleep. Maybe I'm up too late filling tanks, and I'm a little demented from being tired. Anyway, here the real report:
Seas 2-3' in the AM, 2-4 then 2-3 again in the PM. Vis was 80' this morning but dropped off to 50' this afternoon. This was due to large "flock" or particles suspended throughout the water column. We saw tons of turtles, including the one that kicked me, nurse sharks, you know, all the regular cool stuff. We did the Castor this afternoon an there was a thermocline at about 80'. Even with the decreased vis, it was nice diving.
Today's exciting episode is entitled "Turtle Terror".
Daybreak finds our hero gliding siliently over the ledges of Black Condopolis. Out of the corner of his eye he spots what seems to be an ordinary run of the mill great big Loggerhead Turtle sleeping on top of the reef. Upon closer examination though, his sharp eyes notice a familiar bite mark on the turtle's shell.
"Hey! That looks like the turtle that swam over to me a few months back, then kicked me, then swam away!" Scubakev said, perhaps a little too loudly, 'cause the turtle's eye slowly opened and focused on Scubakev's head, just inches away from its powerful bone crushing beak.
Suddenly, before Scubakev could get out of range the turtle clamped onto Scubakev's throat and began twisting in a horrificly violent death roll. Well, maybe he didn't exactly clamp onto his throat, but in one fluid motion he did shut his poweful eyelid and go back to sleep. Maybe I'm up too late filling tanks, and I'm a little demented from being tired. Anyway, here the real report:
Seas 2-3' in the AM, 2-4 then 2-3 again in the PM. Vis was 80' this morning but dropped off to 50' this afternoon. This was due to large "flock" or particles suspended throughout the water column. We saw tons of turtles, including the one that kicked me, nurse sharks, you know, all the regular cool stuff. We did the Castor this afternoon an there was a thermocline at about 80'. Even with the decreased vis, it was nice diving.