Blue Angel Dive site? Possibly...

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I think they're more in the $28-30 million range.
"price check on a blue angel, price check on a blue angel"
Did you know that years ago, if a pilot trashed an aircraft and the subsequent investigation determined that it was a pilot error caused by recklessness, the pilot could be held responsible for the loss and made to reimburse the government?

Man, that could hurt . . . !!!!
I'd like to know what the resulting investigation comes up with. If the first post was correct and it hit a bird that must be some bird and where did it hit. Hell some of our crews hit so many birds that I'm sure fish and game will fine them for killing so many of them out of season. Anything from sparrows on up to geese. And if it went thru and took out one of the engines, the hornet has two and those guys could probably have no problem landing with just one wing let alone one engine.
Perhaps you don't take the time to think how your posts come across to other people.

Apparently, from the responses, bugman didn't offend anyone.
His post came across fine to other people.

If CD felt it was untimely, she could've PM'd him and told him so.
If CD had different information, she could've posted it promptly, in a neutral, informative tone, withOUT calling him insensitive*.
The only thing he could be blamed for was believing a commonly used public news source - the radio. Ooops... we're ALL guilty.

Had she been as "sensitive to others" as she'd like HIM to be, all of this would've turned out differently.

* yes, I realize she called the "post" insensitive and not him, but EVERYONE knows that if you didn't know CD and you walked up to her in front of a group of people and told her she had a crappy shirt on today... she'd feel like he was unnecessarily attacking HER, not the shirt, and would probably react much worse than Bugman did.

Now then.. if I catch any of you rubber-necking, I'll smash into your rear bumper and run over you with my monster truck. ;P
I can't BELIEVE it when the highway is backed up for a half-hour and you find out it's because everyone's slowing down to look at the pretty lights on the police car pulled over next to a fender-bender. If you MUST look at that crap, watch COPS. It's on every friggin night. You can rewind, pause, and watch it over & over you sick puppy. But DON'T cause a dangerous situation to become even MORE dangerous by slowing down to rubberneck. PULLLEEEZZZ!

(I get two dollars for weighing in far too late on a long-dead argument. yippee for me)
As for life on a new aircraft wreck, Reel Crazy14, that's not what I wanted to see. I just wanted to see what $20 million looked like (that we help buy) all crumbled up on the oceans floor.

There is an F-4 fighter you can dive on in a quarry in Alabama.
On "fault" if the pilot ingested a bird into either (or both) engines, that's about all it would take to ruin an engine. I saw one of the earlier versions eat a bird over MCAS Beaufort during a show- big puff of smoke and they pulled it in to land immediately. The Hornets can can fly on one engine (obviously) so if it was a bird strike, must have hit a flock....'course one through the fwd canopy can prob get pretty intense too. Where'd info come from that said this thing was floating? I seriously doubt that....and the cost is closer to 60 million. Main thing is the pilot is okay, doubt they'd make him pay for it even if he accidently turned the key off.
Where'd info come from that said this thing was floating? I seriously doubt that....and the cost is closer to 60 million. .
Not sure, but I think they are refering to the link in post 49.
$29 to $57 Million depending on type. I would assume the Blue Angles fly the Super Hornet E Model. They run about $57 Million each.
Nah... those things are pretty dang new, and get shunted straight to carrier air wings. The Blue Angels fly the standard hornets. Well, "mostly" standard.
What are the major differences between the fleet model and the Blue Angel F/A-18?
The Blue Angel F/A-18s have the nose cannon removed, a smoke-oil tank installed and a spring installed on the stick which applies pressure for better formation and inverted flying. Otherwise, the aircraft that the squadron flies are the same as those in the fleet. Each Blue Angel aircraft is fleet capable and able to return to combat duty aboard an aircraft carrier within 72 hours.
Here's how much they cost in 1997.
How much does an F/A-18 cost?The 1997 basic acquisition price of a single F/A-18 Hornet is approximately $28 million. The cost of additional weapons-related equipment varies according to the configuration and use of each aircraft can significantly increase the total price.
I guess they'll convert an existing C/D model to replace the lost aircraft. I don't think the Navy is building any more of these; just E/F's now. They are much better for fleet operations.
What is the difference between a Blue Angel Hornet and the new F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet?
the Super Hornet is 25% larger, can fly 40% further, remain on station 80% longer and carry more weapons than its predecessors. The Super Hornet F/A-18 E/F models are scheduled to deploy with battle groups beginning January 2001. This aircraft is the Navy's newest acquisition and its advanced technology will be used to carry the fleet into the 21st century
Or they might wait a while for replacement. They already have three spare planes.
How many jets are in the Squadron?
The Blue Angels currently have 11 jets: numbers 1 through 6, 2 two-seat (#7) jets and 3 spare jets

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