Baggage fees.. Tightening the Screws

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I'm flying BWI thru Atlanta this time. Checked bags are free best I can tell, unless something has changed. Anyone have any experience with Delta to Coz?
I'm flying BWI thru Atlanta this time. Checked bags are free best I can tell, unless something has changed. Anyone have any experience with Delta to Coz?
It might be a good idea to check Delta's luggage page for details as well as TSA's page, both. Looks like your first checked bag is free to 50# & size limits, second checked bag is $30 each way, plus your roll-on and personal bag. Plan to pay the fee with credit/debit card as there have been occasions that airline desks in Mexico would not accept USDollars. See Baggage Allowances on Flights
That's a pet peave of mine when flying. It's nothing against people of, shall we say, larger size, but they make economy class seats very small. I want the whole seat I paid for, and I always make sure I don't encroach on the space that others have paid for. If I had a metabolism issue, or just a bad supersized big mac meal habbit, I would just pay for an extra seat without getting upset about it. And if it bothered me that much having to pay the extra money to travel, I would just put down the big mac, or see a doctor about what I could do to get in shape so I could fit in one seat.
And unless you are my wife, I am not lifting that armrest, no way.
I always try to leave the middle seat open if possible with me on an aisle. An attractive young lady took it on my last IAH-CZM flight, so okay - cool. Then she asked me to trade seats with her husband who had a middle seat on another row. I just laughed and went to sleep. :laughing:
it's getting to a point where we won't really care about the quality of the actual diving when we travel, our dive destination selection criteria will be primarily based on airfares/baggage limits-fees/assorted fuel surcharges/etc.
And unless you are my wife, I am not lifting that armrest, no way.
Damn right Gordon! I can't believe some people actually have the nerve to ask a total stranger if it's ok if they lift the armrest! I paid for my whole seat. Not 1/2 or 3/4 of a seat. No way do I want some total stranger ooozing into my space and sweating all over me, unless it's a really hot babe of course. :eyebrow:
Damn right Gordon! I can't believe some people actually have the nerve to ask a total stranger if it's ok if they lift the armrest! I paid for my whole seat. Not 1/2 or 3/4 of a seat. No way do I want some total stranger ooozing into my space and sweating all over me, unless it's a really hot babe of course. :eyebrow:
That reminds me of one particular flight back from Houston. J and I had aisle seats across from each other, something we prefer over getting an aisle and window and leaving the middle open since, if the middle seat ends up being used by another passenger, it's kind of hard (and rude) to talk over that person (they always ask if one of us wants to switch to the middle, hah!) Often one or both of us luck out and get some elbow room if the middle seat remains vacant and it looked like we were both getting lucky on this flight since they'd be closing the cabin door in just another minute. No such luck. A very large woman boarded the plane and squeezed her huge derrier in between J and the window seat passenger - she caught my eye, giving me an angry glare, and I had to chuckle. Of course I didn't have the last laugh because another minute later (they weren't very swift ambling down the jetway) the large woman's bigger sister boarded and sure enough, had my middle seat. Three hours leaning into the aisle to avoid excess body contact and my spine stays crooked and sore for days after.
I don't want to come off as being mean about people who are overweight, but pretty much everyone I know that has a serious weight problem is someone that never stops eating. I know there are some that just have serious metabolism problems that cause it, but most choose to not eat healthy, and never put down the fork. That's a life choice they've made, and it should come with the consequence of having to pay for two seats if they can't fit into just one without invading the space of the person unfortunate enough to be assigned the seat next to them. I'm not overweight, but I'm 6'2" 200 lbs with very broad shoulders and long arms. Every time I fly, I spend the whole time working to make sure I'm not using more than the space I paid for.
I don't want to come off as being mean about people who are overweight, but pretty much everyone I know that has a serious weight problem is someone that never stops eating.

What strikes me as being comical is that the airlines cut out serving meals and now when I fly I can't figure out where I'm at cause the inside of the plane either smells like Pizza Hut, Wendy's or some other fast food chain as the people carry bags of food, super-sized cokes and slices of pizza aboard so they can munch out after the flight takes off. I think I saw someone carrying on a whole pizza box on one flight. I was really P.O'd cause it made me hungry..:D

I do agree with the comments on the overflowing seats. I think the worst part of the flight is now the anxiety of waiting to see who will be sitting next to me..:( I find myself setting there going.. "that one is okay" or "NO.. NO, Please NO don't let that person be the one that sits next to me".

The worst has to be U.S. Airway. I don't think they make seats any narrower than the ones U.S. Airways uses. I'm 5'-8", 165 pounds and can barely fit in one (no exaggeration).

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