Baggage fees.. Tightening the Screws

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I take my reg and clothes in my rollaboard and the rest has always been less than 50 lb in a single checked bag. I can't imagine ever needing more than the Presidential Plus Card allows That's 100lbs plus a carryon for one person.
Hmm. My next trip could be interesting. I recently bought a new Halycon SS BP+W AND a new camera, housing, strobes etc. I think I'll wear the BP and take it off on the plane. Fortunately, all of the rest of my crap stays in Coz between trips.
OMG! :shocked2: We knew that they were happy with their new incomes over bags, but this is absurd. Thanks for the warning. Makes you want to use rental gear more huh?

Always good to consider taking extra bags under 50 if that works out less...?
This is very good news for the ad agency that does the Southwest Airlines commercials.
Keep Baggage Fees in Check as Airline Profits Soar - DailyFinance

Hard to believe a low cost carrier like SouthWest can offer free bags and still make money... Meanwhile the legacy carrier's have to charge for bags.
I really liked the old Continental but I think the new United will not be good for anyone other than a very few that came up with the merger idea...
I wish the airlines would just charge what they need to charge for a ticket and stop being so cut throat to each other and have to play all these games as a result. They need to make a certain amount per person so just do it instead of charging less then making up for it 10 additional ways. The game of keeping up with it all gets tired.

When they started charging for bags everybody went out and bought carryons to get around it, the result was it takes friggin an hour to get off the plane now as everybody has to grab their carry ons out of the overheads, you can't find space half the time near you for your overhead storage and of course best of all then the airlines just changed the carry on rules, inventing the "personal" item instead of an additional carryon item.

It might just be me, but it seems over the last few years the cabin crew are just barely able to put on a convincing face to us customers to hide the fact they just despise their jobs and the people they have to deal with. I'm catching more and more eye rolling, whispering to each other or just out right sarcasm.
I think it is great that Southwest has no charge for 2 checked bags on domestic flights. Everybody likes that. When flying to Mexico Continental doesn't charge for the 1st bag and charges $30 for the second bag, AA is the same. It looks like the size and weight restrictions are the same.

I don't like the extra charges for luggage. Just charge me for it when I buy the ticket. On domestic flights where I am flying for business and spending 1 night, I don't check a bag. (Hmmm if I don't check a bag, should I get a discount?) Now all we have to do is get that Southwest flight to Cozumel booked.:D
It is cheaper just to ship an additional bag but then again I don't understand why you can't get your bag to 50 lbs. All my dive gear ( Oceanic Probe BCD, Aeris X3 fins, mask, 3mil wetsuit) less regulator and clothes comes in at 49 lbs. My Canon DSLR housing and strobes in my Pelican box weighs 50 lbs. Regulator, laptop and camera go in carryon.
My housing, ports, arms, strobes, in Pelican-type case comes to 65 lbs.
It would be much cheaper to just check a second bag at $30. No worries about being overweight. We've done this several times. A handheld luggage scale would pay for itself in less than one trip.
My housing, ports, arms, strobes, in Pelican-type case comes to 65 lbs.

As a single dive traveler I don't have the option to spread things around. Most couples can split up their camera gear between checked bags and carry on luggage (unless they both do UW photography). Not complaining but I don't have that option. So by the time I get all my camera gear, dive gear, laptop and all related camera goodies plus clothes I'm pushing the limits on every bag.

All I want to do is go diving.. it used to be so much fun..:idk:
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I would still appreciate it if I am able to use the entire seat I paid for and not have to involuntarily share it with others.

That's a pet peave of mine when flying. It's nothing against people of, shall we say, larger size, but they make economy class seats very small. I want the whole seat I paid for, and I always make sure I don't encroach on the space that others have paid for. If I had a metabolism issue, or just a bad supersized big mac meal habbit, I would just pay for an extra seat without getting upset about it. And if it bothered me that much having to pay the extra money to travel, I would just put down the big mac, or see a doctor about what I could do to get in shape so I could fit in one seat.

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