My back surgery...

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FWIW, neither Petunia (from the mid sixties) or Olaf showed any signs of deafness. Both possessed an unusual sharpness and both had distinct personalities.
Just came upon this thread and now I'm all caught up on your journey! Wishing you a speedy recovery. Would love to see more pics of your cat brood when you're feeling up to it.

Olaf is slowly overcoming his angst over being touched. I actually got a real pet last night, and then he laid right on top of my hand. More progress. Cool.
For some reason I can't see that link. It says:

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Ah, you'll have to join the surface interval to see it.
For some reason I can't see that link. It says:

Oops! We ran into some problems.​

You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

Sry, I meant Surface Interval, and I went ahead and added you.
Olaf continues to amaze. I got to pet him head to tail 10 or more times last night. He did swat me once, but it wasn't hard at all. At one point, I felt a head, gave it some scritches, then continued the pet. I was surprised that it was Olaf, and he was lying down the whole time. He did get up after, stretched, and then went to bother Mischka.
Olaf continues to amaze. I got to pet him head to tail 10 or more times last night. He did swat me once, but it wasn't hard at all. At one point, I felt a head, gave it some scritches, then continued the pet. I was surprised that it was Olaf, and he was lying down the whole time. He did get up after, stretched, and then went to bother Mischka.
Lest we forget:


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