4th Annual Venice Beach Fossil Hunting & Birthday BASH! (6/24/06)

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Hey, Kris - Kris is my wifes name, the party monster who started this whole thing! :LOL:

OK, I'm getting my 25m of time online today (cause I have a lot going on!) and thought to check this thread and things look good so far! Jenny... got a roster of divers and potluck items?? :D
Who Me??? Uh, did you notice who started this thread???? Cardzard is keeping track and orgainzing the event. Right Cardzard??:D
Diver list so far and what they are bringing for the pot luck feast.

Cardzard & Roxanne - Roxanne and I will bring 18 hambuger patties and 24 pack of hot dogs along with buns and condiments. She will also make baked beans for the potluck lunch. We also have paper plates,utensils, napkins and charcoal.

Scuba Jenny & Hermit Crab
thedaddy and clan
Adurso & Daughter - Virginia BBQ, cooler with ice and rolls
Reef guy
Deep Sea Wolf & clan
Cbulla & clan
Brewoneoto & Shelly
Scubafool & clan - Deviled Eggs

This is what I have gathered throughout the thread if I have missed anyone or anyone one the list is not planning on making this event.
We now have under 2 week till this event
So if you were thinking about coming which is open to EVERYONE speak up and spend Saturday at the beach with us.
This is a family event at the beach with stuff for non divers and kids to enjoy. People find teeth just walking and wading the shoreline.
Soo...what provisions are we going to need... or should I say what provisions are spoken for?

OH! Where is Brian?! Jenny, give Brian grief!
Where's Reefguy?! Jeandiver? NetDoc?
Dawn is going to make a batch of her world famous deviled eggs (I will supervise to make sure that she does it right :D). Maybe some pickle slices.
Soo...what provisions are we going to need... or should I say what provisions are spoken for?

OH! Where is Brian?! Jenny, give Brian grief!
Where's Reefguy?! Jeandiver? NetDoc?

Well we could use some shade to set up for the pot luck feast also if someone down there has a grill it will save me dragging one to this event.

As for things to bring post #43 is up to date with who is bringing what and I will try to keep it that way.
Typical items needed would be
side dishes
extra coolers with ice
Well we could use some shade to set up for the pot luck feast also if someone down there has a grill it will save me dragging one to this event.

As for things to bring post #43 is up to date with who is bringing what and I will try to keep it that way.
Typical items needed would be
side dishes
extra coolers with ice

I will have my big cooler with ice and rolls for the BBQ
Bad news folks! I was looking forward to my first SB dive function and planning to sneak away next Saturday. I was in Venice fossil hunting the weekend of the bash at Howarde's in Ft Lauderdale. But since I'll be away in Las Vegas all week for a store manager's conference, the boss actually expects us to show up at our stores on the weekend. Bummer! I'll have to miss this one now. But I'll tell you this, conditions were bad and viz was terrible when I was there last month, and I got the best teeth ever. A near perfect 4.5" meg, which Cap't Steve said was worth $150 on e-bay, and a perfect 2.25" mako. As well as lots of meg material, tigers, sand tigers, hemi's and even a whale's ear bone. So have fun and go find lot's of good stuff. I'll miss you!
Awwwhh Bummer, Joyce. One of these days you will make it to a SB event.

OTOH, I will bring some homemade chocolate chip cookies, and probably some other slightly more healthy stuff. And maybe some water.
OK - If you all don't mind some Great Lakes Wrecking Crew folks crashing your party, my wife and I would love to join you. It will be nice to dive in warm water with 2' vis.

We will be staying at my in laws in Venice, so howbout I bring a couple of breakfast souffles?

We will probably have my in laws and 2 and 4 year old nieceand nephew in tow. We will bring some meat for the grill for lunch as well.

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