4th Annual Venice Beach Fossil Hunting & Birthday BASH! (6/24/06)

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I would love to make it. We will be getting back into town from "vacation" on Wednesday the 21st, so it will depend on how busy work is as to whether or not we will be able to show up.
The Bulla Clan will definitely be there! Woo-hoo!!

I was wondering if anyone out there would be willing to trailer their boat/friend's boat/borrowed boat/etc to make trips out to the boneyard. If we could get 2 or 3 boats willing to go from shore to just offshore so that everyone, including the boat owners/drivers could have a chance to dive the 'yard, that would rock! We could each chip in a few bucks for gas or whatever... Just a thought. I had mentioned it to NovaFury last night, and he sounded interested if his boat's running okay and he has enough down time to make it.

Anyone else interested??

I talked to your hubby about this at Peace River - I will look into bringing our little 17.5' ski boat. It is only a single engine, but as long as we have a pseudo caravan in case something goes wrong and a tow is in order (safety in numbers).

Can anyone else out there help me out: I've never taken any boats out on salt water - is there anything special required as far as engine/cooling/prop? It is only a little 17.5' I/O, open cooling system, aluminum prop, and zinc anodes. Do I stand to sustain any damage as long as I freshwater rinse inside and out?

Will one/two days in the salt dissolve my prop like so much alka seltzer?

Worst case, I have two kayaks now and I can bring them...
Things are looking better for me, as my sister has called and needs me down in Bonita some weekend soon. Hey, last time I checked, Venice was on the way to Bonita.....
Cool Beans
Kris, I gotta admire anyone who makes their own beer.
I'm a zymurgist myself, but a tad dusty!
It gives ye an appreciation of the finer brews and an understanding of American "sex-in-a-canoe" beers.
Made a batch of Dogbolter one time with 3 gals dihydroxide instead of 5.
YUMMM-YUM! Still have 2 bottles left.
We'll have to swap stories .... got one on very volatile root beers.

Sea Dragon and I have this trip on our calendar and will head up that way
pending completion of her cert dives, fam arrangements, dog sitters, etc.
but am looking forward to trying out a few gadgets for the dive.
We'll have to swap stories, got one on very volatile root beers.

Why am I NOT surprised? Volatile fluids and SFLDiver, a typical combination.

...am looking forward to trying out a few new gadgets for the dive.

Such as an antislalom dive flag. Subsurface trebuchet?

I may be able to attend this event, family in tow. I 'd love to break my Venice tooth finding record of 1! (It was on the beach next to the parking lot.)

Question: Do we have any portable shades coming? I am looking at buying one for megadive events as they are SO cheap right now. Also since Holly still has her sunburn from LAST year. Considering that we have kids there, I'll bring a LOT of sunscreen!
Colin, I'm considering bringing the anchor lines as well. Perhaps the first dive out could be to embed that, then last dive bring it back in. I'd much rather pull myself along the bottom from the breakers than battle the whirling blades of doom. (Think, minitrailer anchors and rope running from shore out a few hundred yards along the bottom. With a reefball/dive buoy at the end.)

Cheers! I will bring a few brews to sample after the dives. Just an IPA right now. Just finished off a batch that was missing 1 gal of H2O and it was pretty strong stuff so I can imagine.
Also very good to meet a fellow "are you suggesting coconuts migrate?" fan!!
Hope to see you there. I'm pretty excited about diving here for the first time. Hope I can stumble upon at least a few teeth, regardless of size.
The gadget I speak of is a metal scoop about the size of a coffee can with a screen at the bottom, about the same grade we had for sifting fossils in the Peace River. Should suffice to find some of the smaller ones.

Any dark brews work for me, the stouter the better.
One of these days I'll brew one so damn dark we'll just call it Fudge.

It has passed my mind to have an Aegis defense system
(a-la ship-to-air anti-missile) modified to fit my dive flag.

What's this one: 'spring surprise'?

Ah - now, that's our speciality - covered with darkest creamy chocolate. When you pop it into your mouth steel bolts spring out and plunge straight through both cheeks.
I talked to your hubby about this at Peace River - I will look into bringing our little 17.5' ski boat. It is only a single engine, but as long as we have a pseudo caravan in case something goes wrong and a tow is in order (safety in numbers).

Can anyone else out there help me out: I've never taken any boats out on salt water - is there anything special required as far as engine/cooling/prop? It is only a little 17.5' I/O, open cooling system, aluminum prop, and zinc anodes. Do I stand to sustain any damage as long as I freshwater rinse inside and out?

Will one/two days in the salt dissolve my prop like so much alka seltzer?

Worst case, I have two kayaks now and I can bring them...

Nothing special required, flushing with freshwater after salt will be all the maintenance required

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