4th Annual Venice Beach Fossil Hunting & Birthday BASH! (6/24/06)

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I've never had any better luck digging than not, and given the choice between work and not work, I'll take notwork anyday :)

The gadget I speak of is a metal scoop about the size of a coffee can with a screen at the bottom, about the same grade we had for sifting fossils in the Peace River. Should suffice to find some of the smaller ones.
My daughter and I will be in town from the 23rd through the 28th, what can we bring?

Just bring a side dish,chips or soda to contribute to the community beach feast. Whatever you choose to bring I'm sure we will like.
Just post what you settle on to bring that way we can keep track and get a list on whos bringing what.

Next thing is bring yourself and prepare to join the Conch family for a day of FUN.
I've been approved for the weekend off work. We will be heading down there Friday night to get a hotel room. We'll be staying until Sunday, then heading back home. No more stressful, "work til midnight, sleep two hours, drive straight to site, get a dive in, drive back half awake."
We'll be snagging a hotel room so we can be there early Saturday morning, and stay late for dinner with the crew! Any word on needing a sun shade?
Just bring a side dish,chips or soda to contribute to the community beach feast. Whatever you choose to bring I'm sure we will like.
Just post what you settle on to bring that way we can keep track and get a list on whos bringing what.

Next thing is bring yourself and prepare to join the Conch family for a day of FUN.

We are looking forward to it! We will bring some Virginia barbeque and rolls
Things are looking better for me, as my sister has called and needs me down in Bonita some weekend soon. Hey, last time I checked, Venice was on the way to Bonita.....

And we live right in the north/west side of bonita now... come and visit :D
Whoo HOoo! the makings or another SB Conch party are in full swing!
DSW, Hermit Crab and I have stayed at the Hampton Inn. It is a little more expensive, but has a nice pool and the rooms are nice. Wouldn't mind spending a night also, just to keep from driving.. but will probably just settle for a day trip.
Well, somethings come up now and thrown a wrench into the plans. I was planning on coming over Friday night and bringing the kayaks, some 'Spam and Cabbage Surprise', and hopefully the boat; but now I won't be able to make it at all. Hope you all have a good time and everyone gets a meg!

Take care - hope to see you at the next one.
Mark us in for this.
(Hopefully vis will be better than the last one)
This time the gear stays in the truck until reports of vis come back.
Anyway I'm changing my gear set-up to a sidemount and need the extra trim out dives,and Conch Events are always so much fun!
Haven't yet figured out what to bring, perhaps potato salad, or something of the like.

Brian & Shelly
Put me down for either choc.chip blondies of death
or Matt's Mango Manslaughter brownies.


All dependent on SD's completing her cert dives with MB.

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