4th Annual Venice Beach Fossil Hunting & Birthday BASH! (6/24/06)

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allright, I've been holding out on this one until I got my Hawaii plans straightened out...now that I know they will not conflict, I will be joining this merry brigade and can't wait for my 2nd SB function......go ahead and chalk me up for a large cooler w/ice, a side dish, and plenty of plastic cups
Ok folks heres the latest updated list of whos coming and what they are bringing
If you were trying to decide if you should come, what could be better than a Saturday with this group.
SO JOIN US your diving skill DOES NOT MATTER
We love to meet new people there will be children and non divers attending.

Cardzard & Roxanne - Roxanne and I will bring 18 hambuger patties and 24 pack of hot dogs along with buns and condiments. She will also make baked beans for the potluck lunch. We also have paper plates,utensils, napkins and charcoal.

Scuba Jenny & Hermit Crab - Homemade cookies & healthy stuff
ffestpirate & wife - Something
thedaddy and clan
Adurso & daughter - Virginia BBQ, cooler with ice and rolls
Reef guy & clan - Potato Salad
Deep Sea Wolf & clan
Cbulla & clan
Brewoneoto & Shelly
Scubafool & clan - Deviled Eggs
pcarlson1911, In laws & Nieces - Meat for the grill and breakfast souffles
Matteo - Side dish,cups and cooler with ice
Forgot to add, we'll bring Potato Salad. Will be bringing the clan.
Bev and I just got back from Carib and hope to make it, if the creek don't rize. Put us down for a salad or something. I'm still on island time so I can't think that far ahead....
Ok folks heres the latest updated list of whos coming and what they are bringing
If you were trying to decide if you should come, what could be better than a Saturday with this group.
SO JOIN US your diving skill DOES NOT MATTER
We love to meet new people there will be children and non divers attending.

Cardzard & Roxanne - Roxanne and I will bring 18 hambuger patties and 24 pack of hot dogs along with buns and condiments. She will also make baked beans for the potluck lunch. We also have paper plates,utensils, napkins and charcoal.

Scuba Jenny & Hermit Crab - Homemade cookies & healthy stuff
ffestpirate & wife - Something
thedaddy and clan
Adurso & daughter - Virginia BBQ, cooler with ice and rolls
Reef guy & clan - Potato Salad
Deep Sea Wolf & clan
Cbulla & clan
Brewoneoto & Shelly
Scubafool & clan - Deviled Eggs
pcarlson1911, In laws & Nieces - Meat for the grill and breakfast souffles
Matteo - Side dish,cups and cooler with ice
xcntry & Bev - Salad or something
Looks like someone already has plastic cups covered - It will be me and my daughter only, but we will bring a cooler with liters of soda. Unless I hear otherwise, I will make the ratio 1:4, diet:regular.
Ok folks heres the latest updated list of whos coming and what they are bringing
If you were trying to decide if you should come, what could be better than a Saturday with this group.
SO JOIN US your diving skill DOES NOT MATTER
We love to meet new people there will be children and non divers attending.

Cardzard & Roxanne - Roxanne and I will bring 18 hambuger patties and 24 pack of hot dogs along with buns and condiments. She will also make baked beans for the potluck lunch. We also have paper plates,utensils, napkins and charcoal.

Scuba Jenny & Hermit Crab - Homemade cookies & healthy stuff
ffestpirate & wife - Something
thedaddy & daughter - Cooler and liters of soda
Adurso & daughter - Virginia BBQ, cooler with ice and rolls
Reef guy & clan - Potato Salad
Deep Sea Wolf & clan
Cbulla & clan
Brewoneoto & Shelly
Scubafool & clan - Deviled Eggs
pcarlson1911, In laws & Nieces - Meat for the grill and breakfast souffles
Matteo - Side dish,cups and cooler with ice
xcntry & Bev - Salad or something

Does anyone have a sun shade that they could bring ?
Also anyone in the area have a grill that would save me from dragging mine down there.
Direction are on the first post in this thread.
Less than a week to go WHOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a brand new wing sunshade that i can bring. I say new cause I haven't set it up yet and that is really scary. It could be sorta like the 15 stooges trying to put it up for the first time, but I'm willing to bring it if people don't laugh too much.
I have a brand new wing sunshade that i can bring. I say new cause I haven't set it up yet and that is really scary. It could be sorta like the 15 stooges trying to put it up for the first time, but I'm willing to bring it if people don't laugh too much.

I won't laugh - in fact I will defend anyone who tries to help! My first cub scout campout I had a borrowed 8x17 tent and put it together for the first time at 10:30 PM by moonlight (talk about unprepared)

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