3rd (or is this the 4th) Annual Venice Beach Turkey Fry

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I will be there with bells on again this year. See ya'll there
This I gotta see!!
I will be there with bells on again this year. See ya'll there

Cool are you making your own?
Good morning and TGIF ... I am still planning on comming .. I will bring something sweet.
Kim P
I will bring something ... wiggling!

(in addition to the most Precious rum tote! ............ Gollum! Gollum!)
Just a reminder to whoever else bought a turkey,please make sure it is thawed before next weekend.
Then how will we fire it from the SFLD-pneumatic cannon? Unless you use baking cord to hold the wings and legs in. Otherwise, the turkey will fly out of the muzzle with everthing spread out like Superman. A naked headless turkey with a giant hole in its rear end! You ever see what happens when a kid sticks his head out an open car window driving down the road and opens his mouth? Aside from eating a few bugs and rocks, the view from the rear of that Supernudeturkey could be horrifying to the small children! Then again, we could change out the baking cord for DET-cord that ignites by timer from INSIDE the turkey!
Hmm..., a new delivery system for biological weapons! Leave the giblet bag inside for the explosion! "Super nude turkey flying," fish feeding and fossil dive! ...and you thought the MEGA dives were interesting!
Bowling for ducks???:D :rofl3:

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