There was an in-depth interview on the radio just last night of someone with a lot of credentials in mental health circles (the name escapes me) who talked about the autism "epidemic" of several years ago which gave rise to all the rumors about it being caused by vaccinations. What actually happened was a revision of the diagnostic protocol for autism, which opened up the diagnosis to include a large number of patients who formerly had not been considered autistic. This made it look like an increase in vaccinations had a cause and effect relationship to an increase in autism when actually there was no connection.Great, deepsea21 is following an anti-vaxing quack and trying to sell his snake oil ideas here.
The guy who wrote the paper "exposing" this "epidemic" has been roundly discredited by the rest of the medical community, though conspiracy theorists will just say that it was Big Pharma trying to shut him up. And so it goes...
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