Zika in Cozumel

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Great, deepsea21 is following an anti-vaxing quack and trying to sell his snake oil ideas here.
There was an in-depth interview on the radio just last night of someone with a lot of credentials in mental health circles (the name escapes me) who talked about the autism "epidemic" of several years ago which gave rise to all the rumors about it being caused by vaccinations. What actually happened was a revision of the diagnostic protocol for autism, which opened up the diagnosis to include a large number of patients who formerly had not been considered autistic. This made it look like an increase in vaccinations had a cause and effect relationship to an increase in autism when actually there was no connection.

The guy who wrote the paper "exposing" this "epidemic" has been roundly discredited by the rest of the medical community, though conspiracy theorists will just say that it was Big Pharma trying to shut him up. And so it goes...
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Great, deepsea21 is following an anti-vaxing quack and trying to sell his snake oil ideas here.

Not at all... Just cutting and pasting to stir the pot a bit. As a kid I enjoyed poking sticks in ant hills and watching the chaos that ensued. Some would say that was cruel and "How'd you like it if some giant pulled the roof off your house and stirred up your family with a big stick?" Sorry, I don't believe ants are sentient beings but rest assured, there are crack pots out there who do.

The longer you live the more you realize humanity subjected to the panic-inducing media isn't much different than an ant colony subjected to a poking stick. Remember about 15 years ago when the talking heads had everyone convinced there was a terrorist with bio-weapons behind every tree? Remember when every big box store experienced a run on masking tape and plastic drop sheets? What about bird flu, swine flu, hoof and mouth, west nile virus & ebola? Populations kept in a perpetual state of fear are easy to control. There always has to be overlapping threats at the masses doorsteps. I say Zika hysteria is just one of the latest and in time it will pass and be replaced by another but only after billions of dollars have lined the pockets of every "connected" corporation and individual has benefited financially from it.

The reality is, things are never as bad (or as good) as the governments and their control of information and medias manipulate the masses into believing.
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Not at all... Just cutting and pasting to stir the pot a bit. As a kid I enjoyed poking sticks in ant hills and watching the chaos that ensued.
Look up "trolling" in the dictionary...
Good thing only a few of us on SB see his posts. This kind of ignorance/greed frightens me. How else do you explain the presidential race?

There we go... That's what I'm talkin' about! I'm now "ignorant" and even "greedy???" for cutting and pasting some commentary I found online about Zika that counters the common media and relating a belief that stirring up humanity is as easy as stirring up an ant hill. Such commentary is "frightening" to you? Of course, you pull politics into the issue as politicians and parties must have all the answers and as if chosing what's behind door "A" or "B" makes a difference.

Thank you. You've proven my thesis perfectly.

I watched a great PBS show today that commented on population growth and humanity's ever increasing consuption and demand for life-sustaining resources (fresh water, energy, and food). I for one am very glad I'm probably not going to be around when global population is projected to peak at 9 Billion in another 30 years. The world that will be left after population peak will be one I am glad I won't see as population peaks when famine and polution begins to rebalance the scale. So, while you chose to target me and cite politics, realize you represent the the very mindset I expected I would expose. Think for yourself and stop viewing the world in black and white (door A or B) and don't be manipulated by the media, the politicians, and the scare tactics they use to keep your eye off the real ball which is the lone, big blue marble, Earth, we are all going to leave to those who populate it after we are long gone.

Bringing this back to SCUBA chat... Do you really think anyone will be diving 50 years from now given the course we are on? There will be little to see unless you truly believe nature by itself always finds a way... By itself it always does but it can't with the impact of 9 Billion people polluting it.
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The reality is, things are never as bad (or as good) as the governments and their control of information and medias manipulate the masses into believing.

Except, the Gov isn't really doing much about zika. Odd as that kinda blows the whole conspiracy theory doesn't it?

tin foil.jpeg

There we go... That's what I'm talkin' about! I'm now "ignorant" and even "greedy???" for cutting and pasting some commentary I found online about Zika that counters the common media and relating a belief that stirring up humanity is as easy as stirring up an ant hill.
But what's the point? Pick an issue, any issue at all, and you can mine the internet to find vitriolic rhetoric that goes counter to the majority opinion. You can cut and paste it into a thread where you know it is certain to draw fire from those who disagree with it, and then you can just stand back and watch the fun (for some definitions of the word "fun").

To quote the boss Black Lectroid's tag line to the Buckaroo Banzai movie, "So what? Big deal."

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