Here is one that I have not heard of in Cozumel but we worry about in N Texas, West Nile. My zip code was #1 for 2014, I use a lot of insect repellent anymore. While most cases on are usually mild it does occasionally kill people, those that it doesn't kill (the overwhelming majority) it can leave chronic issues. I think many of these mosquito spread viruses have similar issues in that the odds are it won't kill it can sure screw you up long term with chronic down line issues.
GPB... As you know, I live in rural VA and have no need to travel to Mexico to encounter spooky viruses. Quite frankly, my greatest fear in VA is Lyme Disease which is carried by ticks. I know many people who have contracted it and the lucky ones develop that bulls-eye expanding red rash around the bite area so they know they have it and can be treated early. The unlucky ones don't develop the rash and it invades their bodies over time... Then, when it gets bad enough and they are finally diagnosed a year or two later feeling sick they get to have an under skin IV port implanted to receive multiple doses of IV antibiotics and even then, those regimens are only to beat the infection back into submission where the immune system can work to keep it in check (for a while) until it surfaces again as there is absolutely no getting rid of Lyme Disease it once it takes hold. You better believe I apply as much DEET (if not more) when wandering through the woods in VA as I do when visiting Cozumel.