I’ve done Devils Throat three times. To my mind, the Devils Throat has two non-obvious dangers:
(1) Equalization issues — You are dropping head first about 50 feet down a chute in which you cannot turn around. If you don’t equalize as you go, and find yourself with ear pain in the middle of the chute, you are in a very fine pickle. So it is imperative to equalize every few feet, before you feel the slightest twinge of equalization pressure. By the time you feel equalization pressure, your options are all bad.
(2) Dark overhead ledges — the Devils Throat is full of them, and it is easy to bang your head on one of you are not mindful and you don’t carry a light. Some parts of the throat are quite dimly lit, and if you bang your head hard, you may suddenly find yourself in a one way chute with a concussion. So carry a light, keep looking for hard ledges, and give yourself as much overhead clearance as the chute allows.