The first deep dip (black line) is the Cathedral, the second deep dip is one pass from West to East at Devils Throat and exiting thru the deep exit. The green line is PO2, which spiked at the exit.
If your diving air, exit however you want, drag your belly in the sand and see high 130's on your computer - yea, show your friends!!!!
If you dive 32% - use your head and exit high. You can easily exit that opening in the mid 120's which is a PO2 of 1.5, less than the old standards of 1.6 but higher very briefly than the current 1.4 recommendation.
For that matter, you can still take the downward tunnel and go out the exit before the deep one which is 90 something I think....
Here's today's dive, lead by super Dario. We dropped in and did the Devils Throat formation only which is shown, we ended in Columbia deep but this shows you a simple 25 minute dive on 32% at that site will put an average conservative setting (45/80) into deco which cleared on the way over to Columbia (realize this deco obligation was 1 minute, shorter than a safety stop). This dive covered most of the cave structure, weaving back and forth thru the formation - there is one area I know of that he didn't take us thru as the clearance is pretty tight for backmount tanks. Doing that portion of the dive on air would give you roughly 7 extra minutes of deco.
I purposely exited the deep exit lazy thru the center and still was at 129' or a PO2 of 1.6, again only momentarily.
For the whole cave exploration and exit portion of the dive, I used about 1400psi of a HP120 which is just under 50 cuft of gas or about 1900psi on an AL80 - I probably do have better than average air consumption but yes, you could do a portion of that formation easily on an AL80 but you need good if not great air consumption and it'll be a short dive.