How long is Devil's throat? Not to sound like a nervous nelly, but where is the line between a 'swim through' and a cave? I've done swim throughs on the one trip I went to Cozumel, and to be honest, I don't think I'd do some of them again unless with divers that I knew and trusted in the entire group (not insta buddies). This is more a question of curiosity, nothing more.
I appreciate your curiosity! Let's set the question of swim through vs cave aside for a moment. Since we are in the Cozumel forum and discussing a very specific dive-- There are many variables in this scenario--
If you really want to know if this particular dive is for you, consider these things:
1. It will dump you out at 135 feet deep (potentially very narced) and into the open and deep blue where you could easily descend deeper, if not paying attention.
2. If done in reverse, you will be descending and then starting the ascent at 135 feet deep (minimum) and ascending upward. (Buoyancy control imperative).
3. Size of group and where you are in the group may also impact narcosis.
4. The dive actually spirals upward or downward; depending on which way you begin.
4a) It is not a straight descent or ascent.
5. Once descending or ascending in a group of considerable size at this depth, you are committed and pretty much relying on everyone to have all their **** in order.
6. And there are no immediate bail out or straight up ascents in the case of an issue or emergency.
7. And even if your dive buddies are as competent as you think they are, or you think you are; you need to hope there are no issues with anyone.
8. Margin for error is small given the depths and the # of people doing it.
Good for you that you are asking questions; And no one should take this dive lightly and you should be appropriately informed and trained.