As I have always known, this board has some extremely intelligent women on it.
So many good points were brought up.
#1 Yes, we need to have a forum for the bleeding, boobs and women's issues. It's doesn't have be called "Women Only" since men are also a part, of this part of our lives.
#2 We do have a spot for Single's trips, but not just for Single's to meet and find a buddy.
I think this is an excellent idea.
#3 I personally have always wanted other issues then diving in this "Women's only" forum.
But, since it is Scubaboard I don't think that will ever happen.
So maybe we can just change the forum to a more "open" sounding name then the old 'has been' "Women's Only" name.
It sounds so out dated.
We need more ideas, and I'll take it to all the Mods for a vote.