why women don't dive?

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Hi girls!!

In Italy we have only 22% of scuba girls, I don't know in the rest of the world but I suppose the same.

Why your friends don't dive?
do they consider a heavy hobby?
do they think it's dangerous?
do they prefer spending money in other ways?

and the most important question is: how can we make them try?

ciao, Marco

Ciao Marco,

I guess it has to do with the fact that in Italy, once the woman get married and have kids, their husbands do not help them too much and they do not have time ... :D
Before that they might not have the financial freedom to do it or they could be too intimidated to get into the sport (male dominated, etc ...).

My best friend (she is italian) wanted to try, but her husband said :"Darling, I do not think this is for you". :( Talking about equal rights !!!
It has only been in the last few years, that you have seen a huge increase in the number of female divers. One of the biggest reasons females have not participated in the sport was the lack of gear that is specific for females. Thank goodness this has changed!!!! We now have BCD's that are designed for the female figure. We have suits that will not crush our (well you get the picture). The sport has become safer and more family friendly.

I don't know actual figures to back it up but from what I see in Japan there are at least as many female divers as men. Many of them are the 'office ladies' (Japanese expression) who are still single and earning good money. On the other hand the 'salary men' (Japanese expression) often work from 8.00am until after 10.00pm six days a week and want to do little more than sleep on their day off. Also in Japan men who work give ALL their money to their wives to look after - she will give him back some pocket money (often very little) and she makes ALL the financial decisions - when to buy new houses/cars, go on a Japanese three day holiday etc.
Diving separates the woman from the girls!!!!!! I think you have to be pretty secure with yourself to get on the boat wearing less clothing in front of tons of people than you'd ever even imagine, then to throw on the wet suit that squeezes us in all the wrong places, for some, no make-up, & knotted hair, maybe even a few nasty little sea lice marks on the neck and face, but these are usually the women with the biggest smiles on their faces.
I've noticed when I'm helping out with an OW class a big gender change. I'm so excited to see all the women in class, and yes, caring all their own gear. To date, I've only had one "diva" worry about re-applying her make-up and I truly found it quiet comical to just sit and watch. (When she came back up, her "waterproof" mascara was running all down her face.....hehehehehe)
I always tell my hubby; the worse I look the better of a diver I become. I care more about what I'll see than what will see me.....
I see more and more young women dominating the boats than ever before. I guess its good for both genders
so maybe we all are right but it remains that girls think it's heavy and expensive. I think we should work on it... don't you agree?

ciao, Marco
Ciao Marco,

I guess it has to do with the fact that in Italy, once the woman get married and have kids, their husbands do not help them too much and they do not have time ... :D
Before that they might not have the financial freedom to do it or they could be too intimidated to get into the sport (male dominated, etc ...).

My best friend (she is italian) wanted to try, but her husband said :"Darling, I do not think this is for you". :( Talking about equal rights !!!

Italy has the lowest birthrate of all the European countries. Women seem to me to be in charge of most things here. Your best friend should find a partner that she deserves rather than a jerk that would make that comment...

I learnt to dive when i was 11 - I had three much older brothers who dived and my Dad decided when i showed some interest that he would become an instructor, he is an international training consultant and thought he would add diving to the services available and he also thought who would be better to teach me than my own Dad.

None of my girlfriends dived, before i finsished high school i had done 500 dives, when i was 18 about two months later i became an instructor, loads of female diver here in AUstralia just not too many younger ones like i was when i learnt. When we went to Truk lagoon 13 years ago for the two weeks diving i was the only girl. I am a tiny build, and have always right fromt he first day of my dive course used a 88" tank, had all the standard equipment and carried my own rig, when i was 18 i started doing some mixed gas diving and i think it was the independence that my parents and brothers taught me through diving that has helped me all of my life.

My best friend (she is italian) wanted to try, but her husband said :"Darling, I do not think this is for you". :( Talking about equal rights !!!

Yes, could be but it's a quite ancient cultur, fortunately now changed!
I said in Italy we have 22% of women diving, I don't know in your country... :06:

ciao, Marco
Hi girls!!

In Italy we have only 22% of scuba girls, I don't know in the rest of the world but I suppose the same.

Why your friends don't dive?
do they consider a heavy hobby?
do they think it's dangerous?
do they prefer spending money in other ways?

and the most important question is: how can we make them try?

ciao, Marco

Reason why more men dive than women:
Same reason that more men do rockclimbing, mountainbiking, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, and a whole lot of other stuff.
Probably also related to why a lot more women enjoy themselves shopping than men do. :D

I wish my girlfriend dived. But I have to teach her to swim first! :(
so maybe we all are right but it remains that girls think it's heavy and expensive.
It's just as expensive for boys.
The women who are serious about diving obviously don't think it's too heavy.
I think we should work on it... don't you agree?
Work on what?
The expense? Fine by me :D
The weight? If properly balanced, The SCUBA package is weightless under water....

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