why women don't dive?

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Hi girls!!In Italy we have only 22% of scuba girls, I don't know in the rest of the world but I suppose the same. Why your friends don't dive?
do they consider a heavy hobby?
do they think it's dangerous?
do they prefer spending money in other ways?
and the most important question is: how can we make them try?ciao, Marco

Hi Marco! As a woman I can tell you it's about priority.
(1)Is the risk worth the sport? (2)If we have an over concerned parent or children we always think who's going to watch them while we're away.(3)Danger is always on our minds, what will happen to my kids if something happens to me?(4) Gear?is it more important than the needs at home?(4) If one is a single female it's always easier to get into the sport if someone offers to pay for the gear!(lol) (5) guys do happen to be more detail and quality driven when it comes to gear.(you know like buying a Loui,(lol) :wink:

I snorkled until (now hubby) helped pay for my gear. I must say it was a very nice experience learning about the quality of regulators and fins and masks and such. Shoping around was so much fun! Gear, it has to match you know! (lol)

As for your last question, how can you make them try? You can never MAKE a woman do anything she doesn't want to do! However, it might entice her to know you'll assist in paying for some of the costs. Once she realizes that you're willing to assist in that department her interests may increase. Mine did!

Priorities and finances$$$ are always on our minds and on a guys mind too, we just prioritize a little more... :dazzler1:
I heard that about never MAKING a woman do anything. Any man who thinks otherwise probably either hasn't been married or hasn't learned the first rule of marriage!!

My advice: Encourage, assist, support and let her find her own place re: diving.

Good luck,
I heard that about never MAKING a woman do anything. Any man who thinks otherwise probably either hasn't been married or hasn't learned the first rule of marriage!!

My advice: Encourage, assist, support and let her find her own place re: diving.

Good luck,

I heard that too Grier, but I also heard that us men will always have the last word......I believe that's true, I'm just not sure if my last word is every other men's last word....
I snorkled until (now hubby) helped pay for my gear.
Help pay for it baby? I thought I paid for the whole thing, plus a few others....:wink:
One of the biggest reasons that women fail to participate in lots of activities is that women give birth to babies, and babies need someone to take care of them. In most cases that I've seen, it's much easier for a man to run home after work, change into his softball uniform, grab his gear bag, hurriedly kiss everyone goodbye and rush off to his game. Usually mama has a crying toddler clinging to her legs while she's trying to cook dinner, so she can leave on time to take the 3rd grader to gymnastics. Or at least that's the way my life was while my kids were younger... now that they're older, I have more freedom and can pursue more interests that I've "always had". Such as scuba diving. Not whining about my life, I wouldn't trade it for anything. But if one spouse has to watch the kids while the other spouse is out playing... who is usually the one at home, the male or the female? You know the answer.

DISCLAIMER: Yes, I know there are lots of Mr. Mom's out there. And NO, I'm not man-bashing, I LOVE MEN. I'm just stating the facts the way they are in our culture.

One of the biggest reasons that women fail to participate in lots of activities is that women give birth to babies, and babies need someone to take care of them.

yes, but they can start before having kids or later... :06:
and men also have the same problem... :wink:
Overall impression - you guys don't much like women, do you......

yes, we love women, why do you say this!??

yes, we love women, why do you say this!??
You mean besides your "contest?"


"I thought I paid for the whole thing, plus a few others...."

"so maybe we all are right but it remains that girls think it's heavy and expensive."

"Most Italian women are far too busy laying out in the sun trying to get skin cancer.
No chance for bronzata underwater Marco.."

"Most of my female friends prefer to have Prada bags than a good BC"

"But most of my dive buddies are man and sorry mad - I'm quite happy with this"

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