Why the Prejudice about DIR or GUE

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I am new to the DIR thing. I admit that a lot of the dive agencies now are about churning out divers. I got my original OW cert through NAUI in 81. I did Naui AOW in 84 I recently did PADI AOW with a friend and it seemed to me the standards were a lot higher back in the day. I am all about being safe and learning. The only DIR guy I ever met was not a good advocate and was very aragant. I chaulk that up to a wanabe. In my life I have found that those who are truely good at what they do do not push it in your face. DIR is intresting and I would like to learn more about it. Could someone explaine to me why it is believed that DIR does not work in cold water? The question is not meant to be confrontational. I just don't know enough about the concept or why it is felt to be only effective in warm water.
I am new to the DIR thing. I admit that a lot of the dive agencies now are about churning out divers. I got my original OW cert through NAUI in 81. I did Naui AOW in 84 I recently did PADI AOW with a friend and it seemed to me the standards were a lot higher back in the day. I am all about being safe and learning. The only DIR guy I ever met was not a good advocate and was very aragant. I chaulk that up to a wanabe. In my life I have found that those who are truely good at what they do do not push it in your face. DIR is intresting and I would like to learn more about it. Could someone explaine to me why it is believed that DIR does not work in cold water? The question is not meant to be confrontational. I just don't know enough about the concept or why it is felt to be only effective in warm water.
I believe that original "DIR not good for cold water" comment was either in jest or someone who is entirely clueless. If anything, DIR is BEST suited to cold water (and/or advanced dive conditions, overhead environments like caves and wreck penetrations, etc), and many dislike it because they feel it is overkill for warm easy caribbean-style dives.

Read the "What is DIR" sticky in the DIR forum for a good primer: http://scubaboard.com/showthread.php?t=44823
I believe that original "DIR not good for cold water" comment was either in jest or someone who is entirely clueless. If anything, DIR is BEST suited to cold water (and/or advanced dive conditions, overhead environments like caves and wreck penetrations, etc), and many dislike it because they feel it is overkill for warm easy caribbean-style dives.

Read the "What is DIR" sticky in the DIR forum for a good primer: http://scubaboard.com/showthread.php?t=44823

Ive been diving cold water since day one....
I was diving that style long before Techdiver/George and JJ came on the net and did not know what was happening in FL. I was on Techdiver for Georges first post..to me he came accross as someone who knew his stuff and had the same attitude of most people I used to dive with that had DM or higher.

I was not allowed by my instroketer to use wing BP during my Rescue/DM internship as to quote"the other other students are asking what it is" and in my opinion a ploy to get me to buy "standard" gear.

The really neat thing about DIR is that it's a system and is actually in every open water diver course. This is true" buddy diving "with gear that does not get in the way.

There are lots of "Attitude Divers" out there and most are not DIR.

Yep,I don't have a GUE cert but I certainly shared a few emails with JJ on starting a sport diving agency with their philosophy when he started it. BTW,GI III has never failed to return any emails I have sent to him within a few hours..ya he's a nice guy.

BTW...I now sell Oxycheq wing/bp systems and they kick butt!

I can actually do that math. Anyone should be able to learn how to do it if they understand where approximation methods are valid and where they are not...

lamont, part of the reason I enjoy reading the DIR thread on SB is because people actually answer questions.

Oh and don't you people sleep.
DIR works.... but so does solo, hog, 'standard' (a la PADI, NAUI) etc, etc.

I think the key is that these philosophies about diving all have their pros and cons if you compare them against each other. If you look at them open minded individually, they also work for what they intend to do.... which is all the same: get you diving safely.

The issue here is that closed minded sheep mentality has somewhat over taken the open mindedness.

Heck look at it this way. How do you think DIR or any other dive philosophy came about in the first place? People looked at what was happening, what was available, saw that cetrtain aspects did not serve their needs and looked for alternatives............ probably looked at other philosophies first, didnt find all solutions there and went to develop their own to fill in the gaps and address their neeeds....... if that is not being open minded.... I dont know what is...

As long as you continue to reflect and allow for change... you will grow and improve. I believe that leadership in GUE firmly subscribes to this..........It is -as said before- closed mindedness coupled with sheep mentality that brings out the attitude to point out what is 'wrong' with others and why they will die when they continue to dive that way.

my 2 BAR and no more
DIR works.... but so does solo, hog, 'standard' (a la PADI, NAUI) etc, etc.

I think the key is that these philosophies about diving all have their pros and cons if you compare them against each other. If you look at them open minded individually, they also work for what they intend to do.... which is all the same: get you diving safely.

The issue here is that closed minded sheep mentality has somewhat over taken the open mindedness.

Heck look at it this way. How do you think DIR or any other dive philosophy came about in the first place? People looked at what was happening, what was available, saw that cetrtain aspects did not serve their needs and looked for alternatives............ probably looked at other philosophies first, didnt find all solutions there and went to develop their own to fill in the gaps and address their neeeds....... if that is not being open minded.... I dont know what is...

As long as you continue to reflect and allow for change... you will grow and improve. I believe that leadership in GUE firmly subscribes to this..........It is -as said before- closed mindedness coupled with sheep mentality that brings out the attitude to point out what is 'wrong' with others and why they will die when they continue to dive that way.

my 2 BAR and no more
I haven't found any sheep in the DIR community.

I have found lots of people on the Internet who like to make claims that don't reflect what I experience in the real world, however ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I have found lots of people on the Internet who like to make claims that don't reflect what I experience in the real world, however ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Probably true is all aspects of this statement...:)
Tom Smedley:
I am DIR because everything I do I do right. However, in answer to your question. DIR and GUE divers are like University of Alabama fans. The least goading results in the largest whine. That is why it is so much fun to goad them....

That's not specific to DIR divers though. Everybody has a hot button. Just look at those bp/w vs. garden variety bc threads or the split fin vs. jet fin threads. The whining happens on both ends of the debates. And generally, it's the same characters over and over again. (You figure at some point, intelligence would kick in and make people realize that the same topics have been argued umpteenth times with the same results.) And you'll see the same kind of whining (from very little goading) happen with rebreather divers and solo divers. Ever try discussion the perils of solo diving with a solo diver?
It seems to me that DIR divers spend the most amount of time doing skills work, which makes sense given the philosophy.

Any diver can take the time to do skills work. The amount of time spent with the instructor is very short and it is up to the diver to become proficient. I think the experience of being stressed until your team falls apart is the most valuable in training.
I think the experience of being stressed until your team falls apart is the most valuable in training.

I would agree with this whole heartedly

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