Why the Prejudice about DIR or GUE

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Car wash dudes didn't dry inside my doors #*%$*@! strokes... How do you know whether or not we're DIR certified?? Actually I am VISA certified....
I am rather a HYBRID diver. I think if someone feels DIR is for them,,than they should persue that direction......it's not for me, but may be good for the next fellow. I find it interesting that there are so few GUE instructors nationally and how few divers have even completed or partc. in a GUE program.

Does it really suprise you that there are fewer instructors? GUE is the newest certifying agency around, although it's not the typical certifying agency. GUE has much stricter standards than any of the other agencies and better quality control.

If I had to blindly choose to take a course from a GUE instructor or an instructor from another agency, and I didn't know anything about the instructors, I would choose the GUE instructor just because their standards and quality control of instructor training are that much higher and I wouldn't think twice about it. That's not to say that the other instructor is not good at what he/she does, but there isn't any agency in existance that has the quality control that GUE does.

As far as GUE certified diver numbers.
1. There aren't as many instructors as you point out.
2. It's the type of course where you show mastery of the skills at hand or you don't pass. You either get a provisional or a flatout fail.

Typical marketing would dictate that you train as many instructors as possible to get the certified diver numbers up, but GUE isn't the typical agency and doesn't need flood the market with instructors. If they did do that they would quickly lose their quality control and be in the same boat as all the other agencies where it's a hit or miss whether you get quality instruction.
What is all the controversy and angst about?

It seems some people will mock statements DIR/GUE writings or people say.

Ive seen "eye rolling" in words.

Heck, This is the ONLY section that has "rules" to follow and a link to the TOS, namely on how to reply in the post!!!!

No body seems to bash "cave" divers (even though they get huffy if you wear your mask backwards!)

No body seems to bash the "solo" divers either

Can somebody explain this to me?
Well, I just read the first 20 posts... that should give you your answer
Brane, you haven't taken fundies yet. You be will insufferable afterward and will have to quanantied for an extended period.

Many people would say I'm insufferable now! :D :D
Seriously though--you're correct, I haven't taken Fundies yet. However, I posted that comment as a general reason, not specifically for DIR. :)
Does it really suprise you that there are fewer instructors? GUE is the newest certifying agency around, although it's not the typical certifying agency. GUE has much stricter standards than any of the other agencies and better quality control.

If I had to blindly choose to take a course from a GUE instructor or an instructor from another agency, and I didn't know anything about the instructors, I would choose the GUE instructor just because their standards and quality control of instructor training are that much higher and I wouldn't think twice about it. That's not to say that the other instructor is not good at what he/she does, but there isn't any agency in existance that has the quality control that GUE does.

As far as GUE certified diver numbers.
1. There aren't as many instructors as you point out.
2. It's the type of course where you show mastery of the skills at hand or you don't pass. You either get a provisional or a flatout fail.

Typical marketing would dictate that you train as many instructors as possible to get the certified diver numbers up, but GUE isn't the typical agency and doesn't need flood the market with instructors. If they did do that they would quickly lose their quality control and be in the same boat as all the other agencies where it's a hit or miss whether you get quality instruction.

Thanks for your take on my observation about GUE. I have my own insight on the reasons,,,and they are not qaulity controls and you pass or fail standards as you have pointed to, or marketing of instructors.....it is more complex than that. I know several carded GUE divers who are good divers and nice folks,,just like I know PADI or other agency trained divers whom are good divers and friendly safe dive buddies. I persn. don't believe that being a diver whom has completed a GUE class and wears the DIR configured rig is a better and more prepared diver. Scuba diving is a learned skill....one learned by doing and practice....I believe GUE as well as other recognized agencies help the diver along the path of learning. I think most of us can take and learn from most of the agencies out on the market,,,each has strenghts and weaknesses. amascuba when did you complete your DIR-F? :)
Tom Smedley:
I am DIR because everything I do I do right. However, in answer to your question. DIR and GUE divers are like University of Alabama fans. The least goading results in the largest whine. That is why it is so much fun to goad them....

Tom, You da man!

Best answer so far. Don't you just love it! A little goading can make a long boat ride pass pretty quick.

BTW... Roll Tide, War Eagle, Hook 'em Horns and Go Hogs.
Thanks for your take on my observation about GUE. .... I persn. don't believe that being a diver whom has completed a GUE class and wears the DIR configured rig is a better and more prepared diver. Scuba diving is a learned skill....one learned by doing and practice....I believe GUE as well as other recognized agencies help the diver along the path of learning. I think most of us can take and learn from most of the agencies out on the market,,,each has strenghts and weaknesses. :)

I do believe that a DIR trained diver is a better and more prepared diver just from the fact of the amout of practice air shares, bag shoots, and other skills that are practised almost every dive.

But that's just me... I will dive with anyone but I am most at ease and confident when I'm diving with my DIR buddies.
I do believe that a DIR trained diver is a better and more prepared diver just from the fact of the amout of practice air shares, bag shoots, and other skills that are practised almost every dive.

But that's just me... I will dive with anyone but I am most at ease and confident when I'm diving with my DIR buddies.

It seems to me that DIR divers spend the most amount of time doing skills work, which makes sense given the philosophy. I think that some types of people are drawn to DIR just because of their personalities--certainly DIR types LIKE to discuss details such as stainless versus brass bolt snaps, how to tie those snaps on, and enjoy delving into the physics of decompression. I know that I enjoy those topics, and really do enjoy skills dives, I find them to be challenging, good preparation for when the crap hits the fan, and a good way to build a better buddy team. Diving with another diver that is on the same page with me makes my dives less stressful and more fun.

As I said earlier, I want to be the best diver that I can become. That means challenging myself, seeking out the best training, and practicing. The best training, in my experience, comes from people that at some point have gone through GUE training or are DIR. Those instructors may not necessarily teach through GUE, for instance, some are NAUI instructors (in addition to the local GUE instructor, I can think of at least three NAUI instructors in the PNW that are either DIR or heavily influenced by DIR and all are usually at the top of the list in terms of recommended instructors).

My point is that GUE sets a really high standard. So does diving DIR, and in my experience non-GUE instructors that understand DIR also set a high standard. I'm not sure which came first, it may be a chicken/egg type of thing . . .

Anyways, if you are the type of person that is content to just learn basic skills and not want to constantly improve or practice all the time, then maybe it isn't for you. That is fine, just go be a safe diver and enjoy yourself. As my AOW instructor said, this sport is about being safe and having a good time.

To all those that enjoy trashing DIR, take a minute to go through the DIR forum and see what some of the threads are about. I imagine you'll find that it isn't a bunch of egomaniacs, but a bunch of scuba geeks that really enjoy the sport, like discussing it (as do most of the people on this board), and generally are willing to help the new people out when they ask honest questions.

If you still insist on trashing something that you don't know about (DIR doesn't work in cold water . . . are you KIDDING ME), may I suggest that you put the mouse down and go for a dive. Make it a safe one and I hope you enjoy yourself.

-Doug (who is working too much, hence the tirade).
This has been a very interesting thread. In the country that I live in, there are not many opportunities to get trained but there is going to be a DIR-F session in February 2007 and I am going to be in it. This despite the fact that I really cannot accept a few DIR concepts like placement of D rings, using only BP/W etc. In fact I have an ego problem with the name itself which so obviously implies that only "they" do it right and the rest of the world is "wrong". But I reiterate it is an EGO issue with me.

I have to grudgingly admit that in terms of course content, instructor quality etcetera, GUE DIR seems to be the best training available and I intend going for it.
Now after the training I will probably hang up my BP/W etc. and revert to Jacket. But I am looking forward to a very rewarding and enriching experience in terms of knowlege and instruction.

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