Why the Prejudice about DIR or GUE

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Dude, if you get any more anal you'll be able to just loop your necklace around your crotch strap ... :11:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
That is priceless!
Back to the original topic, I think another reason lies with the equipment changes. Not so much ego, but it is rather hard to accept you've made a less than ideal equipment choice in the beginning, particularly when you are advised to buy the equipment by your OW instructor. That's a very expensive pill to swallow.
Back to the original topic, I think another reason lies with the equipment changes. Not so much ego, but it is rather hard to accept you've made a less than ideal equipment choice in the beginning, particularly when you are advised to buy the equipment by your OW instructor. That's a very expensive pill to swallow.

I think the bigger problem is that DIR divers have done analysis and come to opinions about gear choice that conflict with what other divers are doing. If someone is diving a bungeed, dual bladder wing with O2 on one side and 50% on the other side they're not going to react well to the DIR analysis of why we don't do that.

The problem is that any discussion generally devolves into a shouting match. In the case of the right/left hot/lean mixtures DIR divers will present analysis that a scheme like that presents a risk of causing a fatality due to incorrectly identifying the mixture (primarily caused by incorrectly gearing up in the water or on the boat). To a diver who actually dives this way there's no way to couch that in a way which doesn't translate to "you're telling me that I'm going to die unless I do what you say". And often DIR divers are guilty of not couching things that well in the first place.

So, how do you discuss the risk analysis of right/left hot/lean protocols without pissing people off who disagree with you?
The problem is that any discussion generally devolves into a shouting match. In the case of the right/left hot/lean mixtures DIR divers will present analysis that a scheme like that presents a risk of causing a fatality due to incorrectly identifying the mixture (primarily caused by incorrectly gearing up in the water or on the boat). To a diver who actually dives this way there's no way to couch that in a way which doesn't translate to "you're telling me that I'm going to die unless I do what you say". And often DIR divers are guilty of not couching things that well in the first place.

So, how do you discuss the risk analysis of right/left hot/lean protocols without pissing people off who disagree with you?

I'm a diver who matches the description you just gave (choosen gear configuration). However I am confident that you and I could engage in a "lively" discussion about why you feel I am putting myself at risk and why I at least currently disagree with that position.

But I have taken the time to read your posts, as well as others combined with my own observations and made my choice. Doesn't mean we couldn't (and we should) engage in those discussions, if we didnt, then obviously we don't care about our choosen sport.

I think its a shame that some folks have to provoke the opposite side, and again I feel it's a few that get everyone riled.

Take the original post of this thread, it could have turned into one of those really old flammers. But instead there has been some really thought provoking discussions and some good intended humor as well. Both are necessary.

Threads here are often like emails, after the first 10 posts the original question is long lost, and people start to read tone into a post. I have a rule at work that requires my staff to pick up the phone anytime they get a third reply to an email - as it will go down the same path that happens here. Our problem, is that we do not have the luxery of picking up the phone and talking where we might realize that the other diver is sincere in their desire to help one another and had no "tone" in their post

Our delima is not unlike other things in life where there are 2 basic camps, policitics, war, religion, education. If we could ever solve this problem, we could most likely solve them all:)

Since the discussion has drifted in many directions; I have another question. Has anyone purchesed any of the DVD's from 5th D. I was just wondering how helpful they are. And also the dressed for success book. I thought JJ did a fine job explaining the equipment.
Since the discussion has drifted in many directions; I have another question. Has anyone purchesed any of the DVD's from 5th D. I was just wondering how helpful they are. And also the dressed for success book. I thought JJ did a fine job explaining the equipment.
Yes ... the Essentials DVD was a bit rough around the edges, and the Intro to Tech DVD was quite well done, and useful.

BTW - they're offered from 5th D-X, which is Andrew's new company ... not 5th D, which is a dive shop he is no longer affiliated with.

"Dress for Success" is also a good book, although it could've used a better editor. Dan McKay did a fantastic job explaining things ... to my concern, much better than JJ's "Fundamentals of Better Diving" book did, although they complement each other well in terms of explaining the basics of the DIR approach to diving.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
to my concern, much better than JJ's "Fundamentals of Better Diving" book did, although they complement each other well in terms of explaining the basics of the DIR approach to diving.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

JJ's book is more of a manifesto -- not so useful to tell you how to configure your gear or do the skills...
Manifesto - too funny. The Intro to Tech and Essentials DVD seem to contain a lot of the same footage.

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