Why the Prejudice about DIR or GUE

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The rec divers are going to have to invest $$ in changing their rig, which their OW instructors told them would serve them for 20 years. At least mine did. Tech divers should be used to spending more money on gear.

It isn't the gear, though, its the "DIW" problem.

If someone is saying the long hose is better than an air2, that means that they're saying an air2 is worse than an long hose. That means that they're saying a diver with an air2 is going to be diving an inferior rig. That means that they're saying the diver chose to dive an inferior rig. That means they're saying that the diver might not know everything they thing they do, or their instructor might not have been correct. And if the diver has been diving an air2 for a long time without having any incidents, why would they change, and why would they listen to someone tell them there might be a better way?

That's the sort of baggage that comes along by making a judgement that gear/procedure #1 is better than gear/procedure #2. The people that have been doing #2 for all their diving career will generally make a few extrapolations (occasionally reinforced by the divers doing #1 who are less political) and take offense.
A lot of people are still pay monthly notes on the whole enchilada because they bought on the convenient time payment plan. They don't want to hear about gear changes and other methods.
I can see that..
I bought my first set of gear in '79,,, I wasn't that upset to see it go... lol
actually I still have a lot of it...
Let's take these realistic scenarios and compare them:

Scenario 1: Diver with octo in the triangle
You tested your octo on the surface. Ok, it supplies air. Now, 30 minutes into the dive your buddy comes up to you out of gas and does what he's supposed to do and takes the octo, which actually managed to stay in the octo keeper and has not been dragging along as most that I see normally are. I'll ignore for now that the octopus is not placed in a convenient location for a diver maintaining a horizontal position. Diver gets the reg and breathes off of it and gets nothing but water because the diaphragm is ripped. It worked fine on the surface when you tested it, but underwater it doesn't. Now your bad situation just got a *lot* worse

Scenario 2: Diver with octo in the triangle
Same scenario is before (tested on surface), only this time it fell out of the octo keeper and is dragging along below you, collecting debris. OOG diver comes up to you, manages to find the octopus 3 feet below you, takes a breath and gets a chunk of crap (mud, coral, plant) shot down his throat when he purges it. OOG diver chokes and panics.

Scenario 3: Diver with octo in the triangle
OOG diver panics when he runs out of gas and rips the regulator out of your mouth. You fumble around looking for your octo, find it, and it the diaphragm is ripped. Worked fine on the surface. Now you have two paniced divers...

Scenario 4: Diver with bungeed backup
Both regs are tested on the surface. As soon as you get below the water, an S-drill is performed where you fully deploy the long hose and switch to the back up. Both regs work both above water and below (or they don't and you abort). OOG diver comes up to you and mugs you for your long hose. You donate and switch to your backup around your neck (I almost always can find my own neck, even with my eyes closed :wink:). The donated reg works because, heck, you were *just* breathing it. Your backup reg works because you tested it both on the surface and underwater and it's been up against your neck so it is *really* unlikely that it got any debris. If the OOG diver is panicking, you get ahold of them (preferably from behind them). If they are ok, you are free to swim to your exit point (direct ascents are rarely a good idea in most places), ascend, and laugh about the experience over a beer when you get back to shore.

You are assuming that only folks with bungeed seconds check their gear regularly under water to make sure it is functioning properly? I would think that is a function of the diver, not a function of the gear setup. If you were equally negligent in checking your gear, you would be equally suseptible to equipment failure with the possible exception that it would be very difficult to drag a bungeed second through the sand and pick up debris.
You are assuming that only folks with bungeed seconds check their gear regularly under water to make sure it is functioning properly? I would think that is a function of the diver, not a function of the gear setup. If you were equally negligent in checking your gear, you would be equally suseptible to equipment failure with the possible exception that it would be very difficult to drag a bungeed second through the sand and pick up debris.

Read the rest of the thread. There is much more to it than that.
Buddy? Or team member? :wink:

There, back on track.
Read the rest of the thread. There is much more to it than that.

Yes there is much more to this thread........................

I can't beleive you guys are still ARGUING about How and where to breathe!!!!!

Its easy.. Step one: INHALE................................Step two: EXHALE. Repeat as needed.
Scubamoose is stuck on the misconception that the long hose is only used by GUE trained divers.
When does this thread turn into a Hall-of-famer?

Uh, the orignal MOFNMOF thread hit something like 30k posts before it had to be closed and new one opened. I think they're up to something like the 15th MOFNMOF thread now, with 2nd-15th having 10k, so around 30k + 14 * 10 = 170k posts...

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