Why the Prejudice about DIR or GUE

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Uh, the orignal MOFNMOF thread hit something like 30k posts before it had to be closed and new one opened. I think they're up to something like the 15th MOFNMOF thread now, with 2nd-15th having 10k, so around 30k + 14 * 10 = 170k posts...

Well this one won't make it im sure. But it was great debate.

What is a MOFNMOF?
Why is Black the color of choice for DIR or GUE?

There are some garish colors in "The Fundamentals of Better Diving," which is the GUE fundies book. I think it is more of a trend among divers.
Yes there is much more to this thread........................

I can't beleive you guys are still ARGUING about How and where to breathe!!!!!

Its easy.. Step one: INHALE................................Step two: EXHALE. Repeat as needed.

Sadly, I have seen divers for whom those are the ONLY skills they have learned.
Why is Black the color of choice for DIR or GUE?
Because they haven't invented a darker color yet ... (sorry, somebody had to break 500 on this thead) ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Because they haven't invented a darker color yet ... (sorry, somebody had to break 500 on this thead) ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

I think it's because it accentuates those BLUE gloves better.
I used to love my dive computer as it seemed wonderful after using tables. Then I would forget to program the 2nd dive for 36% percent instead of 21% and either have to cut my dive short, do a long deco or violate the computer. The computer would then have an inaccurate profile of my dives for that trip. Lately I've been using it as a guage because it doesn't trust me to make my own decisions. Damn computer!

Yeah, your dive computer doesn't trust you because you're lying to it :wink:
Yeah, your dive computer doesn't trust you because you're lying to it :wink:

Ok, so you FORGET how to use your computer correctly so ditch it because using your mind is better???!!! :huh:
Ok, so you FORGET how to use your computer correctly so ditch it because using your mind is better???!!! :huh:

If you make an error such as forgetting to set the computer to the correct mixture of Nitrox, the computer should allow an in-water correction otherwise a computer is reflecting an incorrect state of gas loading. The programmers could write routines which allow for this correction, but obviously they don't trust people not to give themselves more BT than deserved. There is no other reason that can account for not allowing this correction. Why doesn't a computer allow you to switch it to gauge mode after diving a dive in computer mode? Again, it doesn't trust you to make a good decision.

You pretty much put the computer in control of your diving. I can imput reality into a software program like GAP, Vplanner or DecoPlanner and get the real picture, but not an in-water computer like a Suunto. I use my gas switching Tusa computer more often as a computer than the Suunto Cobra because I can program 2 gasses and switch in the water.
If you make an error such as forgetting to set the computer to the correct mixture of Nitrox, the computer should allow an in-water correction otherwise a computer is reflecting an incorrect state of gas loading. The programmers could write routines which allow for this correction, but obviously they don't trust people not to give themselves more BT than deserved. There is no other reason that can account for not allowing this correction. Why doesn't a computer allow you to switch it to gauge mode after diving a dive in computer mode? Again, it doesn't trust you to make a good decision.

You pretty much put the computer in control of your diving. I can imput reality into a software program like GAP, Vplanner or DecoPlanner and get the real picture, but not an in-water computer like a Suunto. I use my gas switching Tusa computer more often as a computer than the Suunto Cobra because I can program 2 gasses and switch in the water.

I dont think it is entirely a 'they dont trust you thing'. Most probably a litigation thing. If everyone would take their own responsibility and accountability for their actions and the outcomes thereof (read: Utopia), the dive computers would allow you to do whatever you want. Switch it from guage to computer and back (even under water)... etc, etc. But because people make mistakes, and the computer allowed them to make that mistake, they feel it is the computer manufacturer's fault if they get hurt.

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