Why the Prejudice about DIR or GUE

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I dived the Tusa a couple of times set at the default of EAN99. Got plenty of BT, but it insisted that I was toxing and I had to put it in my pocket because the alarms were so distracting. :wink:
Red: Was it an IQ-700 by any chance??

I was playing with mine (figuring out the different nitrox settings) and the **** thing didn't stop beeping on the dive (I thought it was supposed to re-set itself each night).
From what I remember though, once it hit a ppO2 of around 3.0 it stopped beeping
From what I remember though, once it hit a ppO2 of around 3.0 it stopped beeping
It must of toxed and died.
Yikes...what a stroke. You're going to die you know.

Yeah, I'm hanging my head in shame... :mooner:
So Dr Lynne - Ms part timer - what's YOUR excuse for ONLY doing 200 dives a year?

Being married.

My prior time and money consuming hobby seems to have taken a major back seat to diving since last July . . .
Being married.

My prior time and money consuming hobby seems to have taken a major back seat to diving since last July . . .
Isn't that hard on the horses?
Yep, it's difficult getting them into the back seat of that little car she drives ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
This is a bit nosy but several people posted that Lynne (sp?) and her husband's SAC rates are pretty decent, but I didn't see any numbers. NWGD say that Lynne's SAC rate is extra good, so now my curiosity is piqued!
Not being competitive or judgemental or anything of that matter, I'm just curious--what kind of SAC rates do you guys have? If you don't feel like answering, just cyber-slap me. :D
This is a bit nosy but several people posted that Lynne (sp?) and her husband's SAC rates are pretty decent, but I didn't see any numbers. NWGD say that Lynne's SAC rate is extra good, so now my curiosity is piqued!
Not being competitive or judgemental or anything of that matter, I'm just curious--what kind of SAC rates do you guys have? If you don't feel like answering, just cyber-slap me. :D

Maybe this should be a new thread.

In doubles mine is about .45cf/min.
In singles it's about .34cf/min. though it's been as low as .20cf/min. on very relaxing dives.

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