When to call a dive... a question of limits.

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Do you remember the Rouse incident?
I, too, have read Shadow Divers and The Last Dive.

If I weren't paranoid already, the Rouse story would've cemented my attitude that one shouldn't be too narked underwater. Which is why I, being perhaps more than averagely sensitive to the nark, don't enjoy deeper depths than some 30m/100' without He in my gas. I just hate being bovine stupid in an environment that isn't conductive to human life.
Ok so I'm semi newish only having a few years under my belt of diving. So far I've called it once at BHB do to lightning. I was geared up walking in when the 1st strike came. We sat under the bridge for 2.5 hours before we finally called it. 2 more times the storm had almost passed, geared up again, when another came through. Bummer as they were calling for occasional showers, no one said thunderstorms.

A few weeks ago I was gearing up for cold water and things just couldn't get right. Put my undersuit on before my socks, things weren't in order, my wife swore my reg was leaking when climbing in and it turns out it was just the wing getting rid of all the air in between the bladder and the cover (so I had to climb out and check)....it was a bit of a mess.

Once I finally got in I just sat at the surface trying to find my zen spot all the while thinking "is this when your supposed to call a dive?". Everything calmed down and it was snowing a little. I felt ok so I proceeded and it was a great dive. I'm not sure if I did the right thing, but if anything started going wrong under I would of called it. I was close, but I was still having fun, as soon as the stress passed it was ok.

My wife is REALLY good about calling dives since her cert last year. She's called 5 boat dives never getting more than 10' or so down. I've never said a word, escort her back to the boat and proceed myself, no attitude from me or anything. If she's not comfortable in the water and I push things, I'm 100% confident she'll make the rest of my day (or trip) REALLY uncomfortable:). Dive and let dive...
I remember two situations when I was first learning to dive. One where I didn't dive (had a headache after first dive, just hung out on the boat getting some sun during the second dive. It was frustrating, because I wanted to be with everyone, but definitely the right call.)

The other was the first time I was going to 60' (I had only gone to 30-40' prior to this.) I was OW with just a few dives under my belt. I was really nervous and in my head about the whole thing. As soon as I splashed in I decided I wanted to get back on the boat and call it. My instructor was there and was amazing! He told me if I really wanted to call it, that was fine. He also told me to listen and look at him. He coached me to breath normally. He had me look in his eyes (which were really pretty, which helped) and we slowly descended. He kept eye contact with me, nodded his head, took it slow. Next thing I knew I was at 60' having a great dive and completely calm. I had gotten to know him over the week we were on vacation. He was so professional and kind and knowledgeable...so that relationship allowed me to trust him in that moment. If it had been a random DM I probably would have called it.

I'm so appreciative of him and his approach. I may not have continued diving had I gotten back on that boat. Thank you Craig!!!!!
Esprise, could you expand on that theme?
Esprise me, Please expand. Eager to hear.
I've called two or three dives.

One because I was running a little late due to a traffic accident.
I knew I'd reach on time but wouldn't have the time I like to have to set up my gear. I'd be rushing and that stresses me. So I called the dive center and said I'd join the second boat going out.

The second time was because of a banded sea krait that harassed me.
Square profile dive.
Drop down to 33 meters (110 feet) and then wander around.
As soon as I hit the bottom and point my camera at a stone fish, I see the krait right next to me.
No big deal. I know they're highly venomous and curious. They usually leave the diver alone after 30 seconds.
This one kept getting closer and closer.
Fine I said. I must be in your feeding ground or near your girlfriend.

So I swim over about 10 meters away.
Point my camera up and notice its still swimming around me.

So I swim a good minute away from it and as I look back the d&*! b@$#%rd is now chasing me.
So I decide to swim towards a group of 4 or 5 divers. Hoping it would see a lot of humans and give up.
As I am swimming towards them, they notice the krait following me and part like Moses parted the red sea.

I should mention I dive with a 30 c.f. of 50%. I wasn't panicking but just flustered.
I decided to call the dive then and there and ascend.

Boat captain asks me whats wrong and I tell me what happened.
Just as I am ending the story, a couple pair ascend.
I ask them if everything is ok and the wife says a krait would not leave her alone.
It even bit her husband's fin as he was trying to shoo it away from her.

Yeah, we laughed and cursed at that pesky krait.
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