Ok so I'm semi newish only having a few years under my belt of diving. So far I've called it once at BHB do to lightning. I was geared up walking in when the 1st strike came. We sat under the bridge for 2.5 hours before we finally called it. 2 more times the storm had almost passed, geared up again, when another came through. Bummer as they were calling for occasional showers, no one said thunderstorms.
A few weeks ago I was gearing up for cold water and things just couldn't get right. Put my undersuit on before my socks, things weren't in order, my wife swore my reg was leaking when climbing in and it turns out it was just the wing getting rid of all the air in between the bladder and the cover (so I had to climb out and check)....it was a bit of a mess.
Once I finally got in I just sat at the surface trying to find my zen spot all the while thinking "is this when your supposed to call a dive?". Everything calmed down and it was snowing a little. I felt ok so I proceeded and it was a great dive. I'm not sure if I did the right thing, but if anything started going wrong under I would of called it. I was close, but I was still having fun, as soon as the stress passed it was ok.
My wife is REALLY good about calling dives since her cert last year. She's called 5 boat dives never getting more than 10' or so down. I've never said a word, escort her back to the boat and proceed myself, no attitude from me or anything. If she's not comfortable in the water and I push things, I'm 100% confident she'll make the rest of my day (or trip) REALLY uncomfortable

. Dive and let dive...