Thanks.. This is one of the threads discussing this.
Exactly how many dives (beyond OW training dives) have you completed in the two months since your OW certification? (Exactly how many is "a few dives"?)
I was diving in Cebu in February and a woman on the boat claimed to work as a technical staff at a chamber in Europe. She also repeated the claim insurance companies would not pay out of you dived beyond 18m as PADI OW and 30m as PADI AOW. She told some vacation divers the chamber would forward their dive computer logs to the insurance company. Thing is these vacation divers held up thir arms to show they had no DCs lol
I then showed her the email I got from DAN that what she said was untrue. She tried to argue with me that the DAN staff were wrong lol. She would not admit she was wrong.