What would you AND what wouldn't you buy used?

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Well, I'm going to try, for the final time, to complete my 1st open water dive while on vacation this summer in Florida. And, I love ebay, but I'm sure there are items that would be OK to purchase used OR unseen. What are you opinions AND lessons on this subject??

I'm not sure what I'm going to purchase prior and rent when I'm there, so you might offer that information as well.

Thanks all.

I'd consider buying Jet fins on e-bay as they are virtually indestructable. After a nuclear war, you can pretty much bank on giant Jet Fin wearing cock roaches being the only surviors.

I'd also buy a regulator (and frequently do) but basically only if it is made by Scubapro or Aqualung mostly because nearly all of them are still fully supported with parts and service. BUt knowing what you are getting is key as is bidding on the assumption it will need a major rebuild and not paying too much for it.

Wet suits, masks,(or anything else where fit is an issue) is on the do not buy list.
What i would and wouldnt buy varies. Some things cost so much second hand after servicing etc its cheaper to buy now. Also items that are size specific i wouldnt buy unless i KNOW what size i needed for that bit of equipment.

Ideally id like to try things first but obviously thats not an option on ebay.
I haven't found the thing I wouldn't buy off of eBay (Scuba gear wise.) All of it, as in 100% has come from eBay.

Back plate & Wing
Spring Straps
Bags (mega Stahlsac wheel bag and reg bag)
Masks (once you know what fits, rock on)
Safety gear - strobes, spools, SMBs, shears, etc.
All Gauges (Vytec, SK7 compass, SPG)
Booties & Gloves (I did get one pair of gloves locally, as my garage ate one glove and I didn't want to miss a dive)
even Drysuit Talc

I buy mask de-fog and the occasional lobster gauge locally.

Seriously - once you've grown out of the $75 plastic fins, the 3 (or 4 or 6) window aquarium-like mask with the clear skirt, the matching $80 super-ultra-mega-Sahara-dry snorkle, the matching $120 never-ever-ever-rust Titanium pig sticker Crocodile Dundee knife (with macho calf sheath and rotting straps) and ubiquetous, worthless mesh bag you had to buy from your LDS for your PADI OW class, do you ever really need to step foot into a shop again, or pay retail mark up for new stuff again? I can't see it.

When its time to buy the gear you keep, go to eBay. The good stuff doesn't change.


PS: Welcome to the board!
Expanded neoprene degrades with use. It becomes thinner and gives less insulation. So wetsuits, hoods, gloves and boots are better new. They only have a finite life.

Well, I'm going to try, for the final time, to complete my 1st open water dive while on vacation this summer in Florida. And, I love ebay, but I'm sure there are items that would be OK to purchase used OR unseen. What are you opinions AND lessons on this subject??

I'm not sure what I'm going to purchase prior and rent when I'm there, so you might offer that information as well.

Thanks all.

Only thing I wouldn't buy?

A drysuit Pee valve.
Or a wet suit (ie. giant pee valve).
I have bought cylinders used, locally. Make sure you understand what is left before the next hydto-test.

I got two HP 100s that had just had their first rehydro and fresh VIP stickers. The price was less than half the going rate of new ones.

Until you become gear savy I'd tread lightly.

Under the right conditions I'd probably buy any of that stuff used. A lot of folks drop out of the sport for a lot of reasons leaving a trail of perfectly good gear behind. Some first year stuff goes up for sale for financial reasons. Some will have dry rot before it's up for sale.

I'm thinking of going the used route to pick up some back-up items.

If shipping is involved I'd teb towards bigger ticket items. Between the risk and shipping it's hard to come out ahead overall on small stuff.

Remember that you should have service/testing done on any BCD or regulator before you dive it. Consider that as part of your pricing.

Make sure if you buy regs off of e-bay that the first and second stages are compatible. A local tech was telling me about a customer of his recently that got a killer deal on Posiden regs he got off of e-bay which he brought in for a bench test. The first thing John noticed was that the first and second stage were never meant to go together, and he wound up having to tune down the first stage so it would be compatible with the second stage. He explained all the technical stuff to me, but it kinda went over my head, so I can't explain it well enough, sorry.

Only you can decide what you're comfortable with buying on-line. I recently purchased a pair of Jet Fins from my LDS and paid $20 more than I could have gotten them for from LP (and who knows how much more than from e-bay). But my LDS let me borrow them for a weekend to try in a pool, and I couldn't get that kind of service from the internet. Although I don't have any problem buying off the internet (most of my gear is from ScubaToys), I won't try on or borrow gear from an LDS then turn around and buy somewhere else.
I would buy anything used/online except a custom cut wetsuit/drysuit/drysuit undies.

Fit is just way to important on these items.

For everything else there is ebay. Buyer beware.

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