What Most Irritates Female Divers

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Oh BOOGER !!!!
Why can't I get my smileys to go where I want them !!!!
James Goddard:
2 questions. 1. How does a lack of facilities affect a man differently than a woman? (assuming of course we are not discussing menstration).

Because male divers can and have lined up along the transom to add to teh water level just prior to zipping into their drysuits. I think I'd send them into therapy if I joined them at the transome :eyebrow: assuming of course that I was capable of performing that feat.

and 2. You want to be treated generless yet razz the males?

I don't make gender specific jokes unless they're well deserved, more often than not it's at myself. Humor is a great way to break the ice although I've rarely been on a dive boat where the divers aboard aren't already making light of everything around themselves. Besides, as mentioned elsewhere in this thread, if a girl makes the first off-color comment it tends to put the 'guys' at ease since they now know they can relax and kid around without worrying about offending. Of course, on the dive boats I frequent, that's more or less a prerequisite already.
my observation has been that thw women are valued and shown much respect in the recreational diving community. There is one Japanese female instructor who is respected for her diving skills. I asked the DM.s, when we were out drinking, if they dated her? They gave me this deer in the headlights look, and said that it never crossed their minds, that they dived with her everyday--she was more like a sister or something. It crossed my mind, but she is an instructor.
As my Scottish cousins and anscetors would say, "Nae guts, nae glory !!!" One has to take my remark with a grain of salt. I was graduated from college with a degree in Fine Arts/Painting and Drawing. Nudity is really something that doesn't generate any emotion in me, outside of an intimate environment.
Given that, I think it would be absolutely marvelous if, when the guys were doing their universal contribution to Posideon, if you were to posit your delightful derrier over the gunwale and join them!!! Talking about he most equalizing moment in life, if not history . . . !!!!
Well this weekend was my first OW dives and as luck will have it i was a buddy with a women. On the boat she was not afraid to ask for help and i gave it to here as far as the EQ set up goes. In the water every thing was good (we know we are both married and respect that in the dives). But at the end of the 1st dive we had to take off our BCD and assets the buddy to but it back on. With a big smile on my face i thought ok she did great in the pool with this skill by her self this should be a breeze. So she removed her BCD with it inflated to about 3/4 and then sat on it and slipped rite in. now i am thinking that the worst is over and she can get it from here without my help. So i continued to watch her and notice that she is having a little problem. Now i am thinking she is married and i know this and i am married and she knows this. I need to help here but i got to watch where the hands go :wink:. Being a gentleman that i am :eyebrow: i help her will respect to certain upper body parts. After a few min. of this i see that this is not working. So out the door with the gentleman crap and the hell with what she thinks of me after this. I put her left leg in between my legs lock on and grab the waist strap of her BCD. As i push her up and into the BCD i was able to get it tight and fasten the safety strap. Then i am fumbling around for her chest strap and can not find it. So i ask her (after about a min) where the hell is it (thinking that it is wrapped up inside of the bcd) she said there is none: 11: well with that fiasco over we got back on the boat and then got ready for the next dive like nothing ever happened.

I think i :11: handled this in a professional manner and she still had a little respect for me.

What would you guys have done in this situation, and how do you girls think i handled this? :dazzler1:
It's really not a women's issue. I can lift my weight integrated BC with weights and steel tank off the ground and put it on but yes, like Ann Marie says above it's nice when someone offers a hand. In fact a few times it's been a female diver who has offered to help un-twist shoulder straps and the like.

There must be something that women dislike about diving. In OW classes you see about a 50/50 mix of men and women getting certified but if you go to the local beaches or boats only 25% at best are women

Why are you doing that by yourself. Thats what buddies are for. male or not, would be the first to offer you a hand rather than see you possibly hurt yourself doing the aforementioned. See my rescue training is worth the money i am spending on it. Lol.
I don't care what irritates my male dive budies, or female dive buddies. They're folks that don't mind speaking their mind. I dive tropical, #1 is prop check, # 2 is gotta go dump.

The only time I had a problem was on the Miami River. The lady I was with had to go, and she sat on the gunwale. I could have gone down the main channel with the bollards on each side under the bridge, BUT NOOOOOOOO, I went inside where all the old cuban guys were fishing along the shore. It made their day.
I have been on dive boats where even the women would let loose and run on with off color remarks, gossip, and jokes...especially about other women divers...and, yes, I have been on dive boats where some men have remained immature and inconsiderate.

I am a guy, and in my opinion...common courtesy, consideration, kindness and manners help everyone enjoy a crowded dive boat. I continue to hope that adults can behave like adults...but, then I would be accused of being an idealist.

I am not into political correctness or sensitivity training for special interest groups...but, I do believe in good manners and respect for others.
I am a new diver, and I just bought new equipment. I was getting used to my new BC, and was having difficulty tightening the straps. None of the divemasters would help me tighten them before I jumped into the water. I was thinking that they wanted me to be independent, but now I'm thinking that they didn't want to accidentaly touch something. I wouldn't care! I just needed help!

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