What Most Irritates Female Divers

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I think treating a woman first, as a fellow diver, second, as a person, and third, as a female goes a long ways to making for a more relaxed dive outing.
I'd rather be treated as completely genderless during a dive (including the gearing up before and after). Hey, huys, I'm just a Diver - no gender connotations there. So comments about how well my wetsuit fits me, etc - while they don't bother me necessarily - are a little distracting and certainly don't contribute anything to the dive.

I have to agree with the lack of washroom facilities comments. My usual approach is to razz the male divers lightly with a combination of humour and envy. On occasion, there's a solution available that I just didn't think of, which they wouldn't have offered if I hadn't mentioned it..........

Oh yes and while I'm at it. I am also a very capable person and don't mind schlepping gear around by myself - one man one kit as they say. However, if you're doing nothing useful and you feel like asking if you can help out, feel free. Just don't be upset if there are certain gear things that I'd just rather do myself, as I tend to be a bit anal about my gear..........
I'd rather be treated as completely genderless during a dive
I have to agree with the lack of washroom facilities comments. My usual approach is to razz the male divers lightly with a combination of humour and envy.
2 questions. 1. How does a lack of facilities affect a man differently than a woman? (assuming of course we are not discussing menstration). and 2. You want to be treated generless yet razz the males?

James Goddard:
2 questions. 1. How does a lack of facilities affect a man differently than a woman?

Depends how cold the water is. :) Hard to strip off the wetsuit and do a "prop check" here in California without freezing.... and sadly, we can't just go over the side.

Then again, I've never seena guy go over the side on a dive boat either, and I think I'd be a bit alarmed if I did see such a thing!

I think my biggest pet peeve is people who get super hung up on how to behave or talk around a woman. I don't mind raunchy jokes - I DO mind guys that make raunchy jokes, and then look at you like they just noticed you and say "Whoops, sorry, ladies present." (I used to know a guy who did that all the time) As if we can't take a joke.

And I do like a little help with gear now and then. Not hooking it up, but lifting stuff - I'm pretty athletic, but I just don't have the upper arm strength of most men I know. A little help getting the tank from the ground to my back is always appreciated.

I admit it feels a little weird when I see divemasters walking around the boat, helping women into their BCs, but not helping any men. I kind of think we should all be willing to ask for and get help - then again, my husband insists he really doesn't need any getting suited up, and would be offended if a stranger offered. Go figure.

(I should mention that I'm also more than willing to help others get suited up - I can lift an integrated BC just fine; it's hefting it onto my back that's tricky!)

In general, I guess I like to be treated just like a man, but a poorly-muscled one. :)
Just a note. I still hold doors for ladies, help them lift things, offer my seat if there are no more and a lady is standing.

Please understand, NONE of these things are done by me or most any other male as an inference that Women are weak, unable, or incapable. It is simply a sign of RESPECT for women. If that makes me politically incorrect so be it.

By the way, I do the same for any man more than ten years my senior for the exact same reason. Respect.

Just something to keep in mind the next time someone offers to help.
Asinine questions such as "What most irritates women on a dive boat."

That was semi- tongue in cheek- BUT- treat me respectfully and as an equal- the rest works itself out.
Just a note. I still hold doors for ladies, help them lift things, offer my seat if there are no more and a lady is standing.

Please understand, NONE of these things are done by me or most any other male as an inference that Women are weak, unable, or incapable. It is simply a sign of RESPECT for women. If that makes me politically incorrect so be it.

By the way, I do the same for any man more than ten years my senior for the exact same reason. Respect.

Just something to keep in mind the next time someone offers to help.

HOORAY for outlawaggie!!!!!!! Thank GAWD there are still men like you around. I appreciate you. :)
this isn't really a gender thing, but i hate divers who feel the need to plow over you underwater, try to swim faster, and act like hot-shots (male or female). Unless your my buddy, DM, or have a legit. reason to be near me, back off and let me enjoy the dive, not a view of your butt/fins/mask.

Oh yeah, this is a gender thing. Being a gentleman never hurts.

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