What Most Irritates Female Divers

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I am a new diver, and I just bought new equipment. I was getting used to my new BC, and was having difficulty tightening the straps. None of the divemasters would help me tighten them before I jumped into the water. I was thinking that they wanted me to be independent, but now I'm thinking that they didn't want to accidentaly touch something. I wouldn't care! I just needed help!

did you ask them to help?
Who came up with this question, Dr. Phil? Ohhh.... let's talk about feelings and how we can't offend women. DIVE MY BROTHERS! Did you know according to Navy lore it's has always been bad luck to have a woman on a vessel. I have to say this as while, some of these woman offend me. Talk about your wreck penetrations. :wink:
I guess I don't understand why people just do these things for women... why wouldn't you hold the door for anyone, and help anyone lift things? As for the seat on the bus, frankly it would just make me feel awkward if some guy gave one up for me!

I'd prefer people to be polite to me because I'm a person, not because I'm a woman.. silly distinction, maybe, and I'm not going to get all huffy about it. :)
If on the bus I see a senior, male or female, who is standing, I will give him/her my seat. If on the same bus I saw a pregnant lady, I'd give her my seat, and if I was to see a 26 yr old, I'd also give her my seat. The best way to not feel auckward is to just say "thanks."
I have always found it best to treat people like I would like to be treated. In OW class we had to do an escorted no mask on scuba swim. My buddy was a 15 y/o girl wo was taking the class with her dad, I'm 53. Felt a little uncomfortable escorting her by the wrist lock method. I escorted her first, then she escorted me. All went well and no one was offended.
What irritates female divers? Well, this is coming from a guy but what seems to irritate my wife (and I still can't figure out why) is confusing another female diver as her and buddying up with this other female for the rest of the dive! (I made the mistake on my honeymoon of just keeping track of my wife's blue swimming suit and that is all. Wouldn't you know that other women wear blue too :11: . We were separated then I teamed back up with my blue swimming suit clad buddy. Wrong blue swimming suit though. I'm still paying for that one!)

Frankly, I do not like getting into the whole gender non-specific language and political / cultural correctness debate...changing the dictionary so that "man-hole cover" ought to be "utility access cover" gets a little ridiculous. I do not like the speech police. Then again, this is not what this thread is about.

We all have feelings, sensitivities and thoughts...I come from the old fashioned world of good manners, consideration and respect for others...is this the same as being politically correct?

I have given up my seat for pregnant women, senior citizens, parents with a handful of kids and those with disabilities. It is just common sense. I even hold the door open for others no matter who they are...I let other drivers into a crowded lane just so that things work more smoothly for other drivers. Good manners and consideration does not mean being meek or a being a door mat...it means rising to the occasion and working to being a better man, a better diver.

Yes, if someone on a dive boat needs a hand here or there...I help...especially with bc straps that get twisted. It is all in the same ball park.

Now...if someone cuts a raunchy joke on a sloshing dive boat full of wet divers...at least make it a good raunchy joke so that everyone can laugh.

For the women divers out there...believe me, I have heard it all come out of women divers and then some...raunchy jokes, wise cracks, anatomy jokes, diving humor, relationship jokes...it all tends to come out at the bar after a hard day of diving. It is just the way it is.

Just my O2
What irritates this female diver is when someone feels they have to treat me differently because I have boobs. That's ridiculous.
I never thought that just plain courtesy was subject to such comparison. :11:
The only thing that bugs me is if when a guys says that women should not dive OR when someone male or female says if you cannot carry your own gear you should not dive. Yeah well some people cant life that much weight and need help so what, doesent make me a bad diver why should i not dive.

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