What item of equipment was a waste of money?

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my retractable clip that I bought for my computer console.
It was frequently hanging down and tangling in my inflater hose. I replaced it with surgical tubing and a clip - this works beautifully!
I really like my big knife - in a swift current I descend to the bottom and dig in with my knife pulling myself along. It's less effort and saves my fingers. It was also very useful for prying sea urchins to feed the wolfe eels.
Uncle Pug once bubbled...

My dearest Paul.... as a wise man once said, "Computers Rot Your Brain."

You've been using a computer, haven't you Paul? Tsk Tsk Tsk....

btw: great thread idea!

I've been diving so long with a computer in dive mode my brain is evidently too rotten to reason out an answer to this question.

Is there hope for those of us who have dive computer rotted brains? Will a rotted brain ever heal? Can it be as simple as "set it & forget it" in gauge mode?

Oh and one other question, how many dives did you do with a computer before you were shown the light? My guess is you got a little dry rot goin yourself there guy.

To paraphrase my hero "Capt. Ron" .... "dry rot boss, all divers brains got it!"

...bought them for my AL80s for $10 each and now I use them as storage containers on top of my old TV for all the other gear I don't use anymore.
I still have an old pair of my first scuba fins, US Divers Spoiler fins, they are the stiffest, and nearly the shortest, fins I’ve ever seen. Truly awful, the stiffness makes them hard to kick, hard on the feet, and at the same time, they deliver mediocre propulsion. The blade is a hollow box with a vent near the foot pocket and the second opening at the blade tip, this was supposed to provide a venturi effect. They are my candidates for the worst fins ever made, they certainly must be in the top five.

rcohn once bubbled...
They are my candidates for the worst fins ever made, they certainly must be in the top five.


Farce Fins still exist (propulsion for divers who can't kick properly), NOTHING can be worse than them!

2 steel 72 tanks that I never use.

Diver down float that some a$$ tried to take while I was on a deco stop.

Turtle fins (don't ask me why I bought them).

Air 2

18 1/2' Milan boat that won't sell.

I knew if I kept reading long enough I would find the compulsory, equipment opinion thread, WreckWriter, "Bad Force Fins" post. Thanks for not letting me down!


WreckWriter once bubbled...

Farce Fins still exist (propulsion for divers who can't kick properly), NOTHING can be worse than them!

Oh yes! I remember that.

I ended up using the tubing to make the bungee loop to attach my backup light to my BC strap. At least something good came of it :)

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