The real, underlying concern is your computer going into unplanned deco or having to ascend early. The solution to that is to get a different computer.
No, thanks. I clearly stated I did not want to get a different computer and specifically said so in my post.
You obviously don't like your Suunto's conservativeness--or at least don't like it for Cozumel.
I don't understand how you can know this. How would I even know since I have never been diving in Cozumel???
Instead of working around this by fretting over surface intervals and taking polls...
I never said I was fretting. I said I was curious - so I thought a poll would be interesting. Don't participate if it doesn't interest you.
No, I said (and aren't YOU getting defensive with the word "admit"?) that SI stats would be interesting IF there was some evidence that people are getting bent in Cozumel more than other places with similar diving. If that were so, then SI might be a factor.
This is what you said word for word: "And yes, the surface interval stats would be interesting. If there is some reason to believe that dive ops in Coz are not following as conservative practices as dive ops elsewhere in the world and that's leading to a higher incidence of DCS, then that would be interesting to know."
You chose to misquote yourself and amalgate your sentences together to make it sound like I misquoted you.
I said you admitted it was interesting. That is all.
I don't generally like to give unsolicited advice but perhaps you could follow your own advice and not read into the tone.
Also, I would like to respectfully suggest that IF there is something that is of more interest to you than what is posted then you should start your own poll.
But is it "a bad dive plan" because you feel the dive op is risking your safety...
I never remotely suggested that I felt the dive op is risking my safety - I always take responsibility for my own safety.
What I said was I wanted to avoid going into unplanned deco or having to ascend early and separate from the group.
I asked for people to share their own experiences so I could get some insight into how to avoid what was, in my opinion, a bad dive plan.
Which computer you're diving with is irrelevant to whether it's a bad dive plan from a safety standpoint.
I disagree.
I asked Suunto divers to help me find a strategy to avoid having to engage in what could be considered unsafe dive practices that could potentially put me at increased risk of having an incident.
Prevention is way better than having to deal with a problem in the water on the fly - that is how I was trained and how I choose to dive.
As I noted, hundreds of divers dive in Cozumel every day--and as far as I know, with no greater incidence of DCS than anywhere else..
I really don't understand why you keep harping on this? I have never said this or suggested this.
I believe that there is a risk of DCS everytime you choose to dive - period.
If the question is how to avoid a Suunto computer going into unplanned deco in Cozumel and what to do if it does, that's the question to ask... I think that was the main question in your other post, but it got confusing with all the responses talking about what is safe and what is less safe.
Agreed. But I have no control over how other people respond.
It seems to me that talking about them separately would be most helpful.
Once the thread evolved into a discussion about other things, I posted my question about the Suunto algorithm in the Computer forum.
It was very enlightening - I learned a lot about the Suunto RGBM algorithm - and more!
Check it out if you are interested - or not. Your choice.
I apologize for sounding critical. It just struck me that you aren't the first diver to dive Cozumel with a conservative computer (or, computer aside, a desire to dive conservatively). I know you found some threads in which people diving Suunto said their computers barked at them in Cozumel, but this can happen anywhere. Two separate threads (this one five pages at this point) and a poll just struck me as a lot of discussion for a trip to Cozumel that should be relaxed and easy. "Good planning" is admirable, but I have to believe that loads of divers with computers of all kinds who put no advance thought into it have managed to enjoy their Cozumel dive vacation with no ill effects. Good for you to investigate your concerns to this level of depth--maybe the divers who fly off to Cozumel in blissful ignorance are not doing themselves a favor. Maybe I'm one of them--I am all too guilty of going to dive resorts in various places in the world without reading up on the diving in advance..
I accept your apology. I choose not to follow the "Trust Me Dive" philosophy. You can choose to dive however you wish.
I was just concerned you might be obsessing over it to the point it might take away the fun. From your reply, I get the impression you enjoy this kind of in-depth analytical thinking and are not at all freaking out.
I am not freaking out. However, taking time and energy to reply to clarify my position on what I feel are misleading or inaccurate statements are not enjoyable.
Going forward, I hope that there can be a moratorium on attributing any further speculations you may have on my behalf.