What is the "typical" surface interval for two tank boat dives in Cozumel?

What were your surface intervals for two tank boat dives in Cozumel?

  • 30-40 minutes

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • 40-50 minutes

    Votes: 8 7.6%
  • 50-60 minutes

    Votes: 36 34.3%
  • longer than 60 minutes

    Votes: 59 56.2%

  • Total voters

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Prevailing opinion seems to be that surface intervals should always be over 60 minutes and if a dive op provides any time less then 60 minutes then you should take your business elsewhere.

I would like to know which dive ops in Cozumel actually have an official 60 minute surface interval policy.

I would prefer if responders can verify their actual SI times from their logbooks rather than relying on their memories.

I dove SCC over a long weekend... Only 1 surface interval was shorter than 60 mins. It was 54 mins long. I was last on board due to an assist to another diver in the water in another party. Pretty much as soon as I was on board they pulled up the ladder and we took off to another site. Typically, getting everyone on board from the last dive, getting underway, then anchoring at a new site and getting everyone in the water is going to take at least 45-60 mins. All the ops I have dove with pretty much look at their watch for a 60 min interval. Sometimes we're a little light on the interval and the DM will tell everyone that we're coming up on 60 mins... Some divers will be gearing up and dropping in just before or right around 60 mins. If you're the last one in, you should be fine. If you do have a problem clearing enough time during the SI for next dive, tell the DM! I can't imagine any DM that would make you get in the water without clearing enough time for the next dive. Try running some simulated profiles on your computer...

I know why you're asking about the interval... I've followed your other thread. I used to own a Suunto Vytec. Nice computer but I didn't like certain things about it... one of which was the conservative algorithm (but that was not the real reason I changed computers). With my Vytec, I had it set for 50% RGBM. I think it is more conservative for repetitive dives and it will take any fast ascents, no matter how small, into consideration i.e. a quick up and over the coral. If you dive your Suunto, a healthy SI helps but I also think you need to be very attentive to prevent a fast ascent alert as I think it adds that into the mix for its conservatism. I think you will be fine in Cozumel with a Suunto as long as you watch your ascent rates. Most ops will give you plenty of time to offgas and the 2nd dive is usually more shallow. Enjoy your trip!
Checked my dive computer log book. My SUUNTO recorded 57 minute SI. Please keep in mind I am the first off the boat and the last back on. I was on a cruise (Grand Cayman, Roatan, Belize, Cozumel) and did 2 dives in every port. Sorry, since the cruise ship made the arrangements I don't recall who the operator was. We left from a resort just outside of town a bit. Accourding to my dive computer I did 2 dive as follows: Dive 1 Depth 77 Feet, 33 minutes, 57 minute SI, Dive 2 Depth 54 feet dive time 43 minutes. Water 79F and beautiful.

I really don't think you will have an issue with dive operators giving less than 60 minutes SI. Has someone told you they don't give you a reasonable SI?
Checked my dive computer log book. My SUUNTO recorded 57 minute SI. Please keep in mind I am the first off the boat and the last back on. I was on a cruise (Grand Cayman, Roatan, Belize, Cozumel) and did 2 dives in every port. Sorry, since the cruise ship made the arrangements I don't recall who the operator was. We left from a resort just outside of town a bit. Accourding to my dive computer I did 2 dive as follows: Dive 1 Depth 77 Feet, 33 minutes, 57 minute SI, Dive 2 Depth 54 feet dive time 43 minutes. Water 79F and beautiful.

I really don't think you will have an issue with dive operators giving less than 60 minutes SI. Has someone told you they don't give you a reasonable SI?

Wow, I'm sorry - but you were the "first off the boat and last one back on" with a 33 and 43 minute bottom times at 77/54ft max depths respectively? Those are some very conservative dives considering the multi-level profiles here. Even the SUUNTO should have been happy with those dives.

If air management is not an issue for you, you may want to consider booking with a private operation next time that is more suitable for you. With many operations here, you can SAFELY get 60 - 70 minutes on ONE dive!
OMG!!! Don't even go there!!!! I am actually one of the only ops I know of that even provide nitrox to my guides at all!!! There are days he says he doesn't want it and I get it for him anyway! And BTW - he doesn't WANT it for first dives because the potential of putting his HEALTH IN DANGER is not worth the risk! You are clearly trying to thump your chest and I am not playing your elitist tech/super diver game. I have plenty of well respected tech diver friends and colleagues that I also respect, but I know your type and will not feed your ego! You clearly know more about me than I do, know more about how I treat my employees and know more about running my operation that I do.

And good for you for diving nitrox when it is available - so do I and so do my guides when they request it and even when they don't! Cave diving and wall diving with currents are two different animals - apples to oranges! You made my point, you've never even dove Cozumel!

BTW - I will not respond or justify anything to you, so save your energy! I see a pattern in your posts, and it is to be combative and condescending!

Wow !... don't fall of your horse... Do NOT push me on the elitist corner just for expressing my personal view..

And btw.. I did dive Cozumel in 2004 but didn't think it was worth mentioning... I did wall dives in a lot of places. But lets leave it at that.. you already think I'm a condescending combatative elist...
Wow !... don't fall of your horse... Do NOT push me on the elitist corner just for expressing my personal view..

And btw.. I did dive Cozumel in 2004 but didn't think it was worth mentioning... I did wall dives in a lot of places. But lets leave it at that.. you already think I'm a condescending combatative elist...

It wasn't your view - it was your delivery and your implication that I don't care about my DM's well being! I care about my staff as much as if they were my family - they ARE my family! So that really hit a nerve! AS for the combative remark, based on numerous posts I've read from you - seems you are most often challenging and speaking down to people. I could of course be wrong.

Mainly, your implication hit a major nerve! So my apologies if my skin was a little thin here!
Are you not over-analyzing this? Hundreds of people dive every day in Cozumel using all different kinds of computers, including Suunto. I recall your other thread from a few days ago, and I refrained from commenting because I didn't think I had anything to add (and I still don't, but since when does that stop people?).

What is your actual concern behind these threads? Are you: (a) concerned about DCS in Cozumel, or (b) concerned your computer annoyingly will go into emergency deco? If it's (a), do you have reason to believe there is a higher incidence of DCS in Cozumel than other popular dive regions? If so, please share the information--and I'm not being snarky here, as I really am curious since I dive in Coz occasionally. If this is a valid concern, then there may be a larger problem with Coz dive ops than what computer one uses. And yes, the surface interval stats would be interesting. If there is some reason to believe that dive ops in Coz are not following as conservative practices as dive ops elsewhere in the world and that's leading to a higher incidence of DCS, then that would be interesting to know. A possible way to deal with it would be to emphasize to your dive op that you are a relatively conservative diver and outline what you expect the dive profile to be like. Pick one of the dive ops that people here on SB have recommended again and again. SB is a great resource for that. But this doesn't really have anything to do with what computer one uses.

On the other hand, if your concern is not (a) but rather only (b), it seems to me that you just don't like your Suunto, and your "problem" would be solved by buying a different computer. I have a Suunto D6 and my dive buddy (wife) has a Suunto Cobra 3, and we like them very much. I KNOW Suunto is more conservative than many other computers, and that's the primary reason I went with Suunto rather than another computer. On rare occasion, this has led to us ending our dive earlier than others in our group. When it happened, we saw it as insurance and an indication that it was probably just as well to call it quits for the day and have a margarita. To agonize over your Cozumel trip simply because, at the root of it all you don't like your computer seems like an exercise in frustration. Just get a different computer and acknowledge that you're not as conservative a diver as you thought you were when you bought the Suunto.


If you read my posts in the other thread, I was pretty clear about why I was concerned.

Since this will be my first trip diving in Cozumel, I am not familiar with the dive sites, but I did get the impression from reading trip reports that there are swim throughs at depths, possible downcurrents as well as strong surface currents.

I found it concerning in many many of these trip reports, people with Suunto's described problems doing the the two tank dive profiles - either going into unplanned deco or having to ascend early and separate from the group.

I think it's totally reasonable to ask why this might be happening so I asked for people to share their own experiences so I could get some insight into how to avoid what was, in my opinion, a bad dive plan.

There were lots of responses that I found helpful - others not so much usually because they made some incorrect assumptions or they chose to go off topic.

I chose not to take offense but it was disturbing when these posters started putting words into my mouth - kind of like this one.

I have never said I am concerned about DCS in Cozumel - I am concerned about DCS because I choose to do recreational diving as a hobby.

And yes, you are being snarky, because you are posting with the tone that you have tried to refrain - but you just can't now since I am being so unreasonable.

You admit that a poll on surface interval stats would be interesting - my curiosity stemmed from some very strong opinions voiced on the other thread so I thought it would be an interesting exercise if we actually polled the SI times based on hard data - ie. looking in your logbook (or software) - rather than recall that they went with a dive op that said they had a 60 minute SI policy.

And yes, I picked a dive op that has been recommended again and again by SB - something I have stated many times in that thread.

As well, I have also made it very clear that I am totally happy with my choice of dive op and that I am confident I can dive safely in Cozumel in that thread.

I also made it very clear on that thread that I had done many dives with my Suunto using Nitrox without any issues, but because the MOD of some of the 1st dive sites in Cozumel exceeded the EAN that is available, I was asking what other people did and I got my answer - air for the 1st dive and Nitrox for the 2nd - and I also stated in that thread that I am good with that.

So I don't understand why - when I have also been very clear in my original post on the purpose of this thread - you feel there is any value to a post in this thread going into some long diatribe about my "actual" concerns in my other thread.

I am not agonizing over my Cozumel trip - rather I am quite enjoying all the new diving concepts I am learning - thanks again for those more experienced who took the time to share your knowledge - and hopefully others reading the thread can gain something that is useful for them as well.

I believe good planning and preparation is part of our Basic Open Water training so I don't know why you feel the need to be so critical -maybe I should over-analyze your motives for your post - now that would be a waste of my time.
I'm just back from the island, and dove with BlueXTSea using a Cobra 2. On the first dive of our third day out, I went into unplanned deco (nothing serious, but it sure surprised me) and had to shorten my second dive significantly to avoid a repeat. I traced the problem to my having inadvertently changed the "personal adjustment" setting (in the same submenu as the altitude adjustment) away from the P0 default to P2. Once I changed it back, I never came close to deco again. On a later day another diver complained of his Cobra being too conservative; I mentioned my experience and he asked me to help him check his settings. We found him set on P1. Problem solved! Yeah, the Suuntos are conservative even on default, but it doesn't cause me a problem generally - and do ensure that the personal and altitude adjustments are at 0 (default) if you notice a problem.

I think the practice in Coz of doing the second dive on Nitrox is well considered, and I adopted it after having gone into deco just in case I was wrong about the personal adjustment being responsible. In Little Cayman I dove Nitrox for every dive (3 / day) even though the first dive was generally a deep wall dive; but the chance of a downcurrent there is much much lower than at Coz.
It wasn't your view - it was your delivery and your implication that I don't care about my DM's well being! I care about my staff as much as if they were my family - they ARE my family! So that really hit a nerve! AS for the combative remark, based on numerous posts I've read from you - seems you are most often challenging and speaking down to people. I could of course be wrong.

Mainly, your implication hit a major nerve! So my apologies if my skin was a little thin here!

Probably some or all of these reasons :
I'm not a native English speaker
I'm Dutch ( those two combined tend to sometimes sound too direct )
Sometimes i AM an ass... this time i didn't mean to be :)

Luckily I have thick skin and can handle a beating... :)
No harm done...
Probably some or all of these reasons :
I'm not a native English speaker
I'm Dutch ( those two combined tend to sometimes sound too direct )
Sometimes i AM an ass... this time i didn't mean to be :)

Luckily I have thick skin and can handle a beating... :)
No harm done...

Well I am impressed! For not being a Native English speaker, your command of the English language is much better than many Americans! I saw that you were from the Netherlands, but based on your excellent English, I made the incorrect assumption that you were a "foreigner" there in the Netherlands.

We can ALL be asses and beeches at times - haha! I have pretty thick skin, until it comes to my family and things super close to my heart! ANd I will vigorously defend those things - sometimes unnecessarily :)
Well I am impressed! For not being a Native English speaker, your command of the English language is much better than many Americans! I saw that you were from the Netherlands, but based on your excellent English, I made the incorrect assumption that you were a "foreigner" there in the Netherlands.

We can ALL be asses and beeches at times - haha! I have pretty thick skin, until it comes to my family and things super close to my heart! ANd I will vigorously defend those things - sometimes unnecessarily :)

:ok: for that last line

Your assumption about me being a foreigner is only partly right... Long story short, I was born in Tanzania from Dutch parents. So although i was not born in NL, I still am a Dutchman by birth and upbringing... I did spend a lot of years abroad in my youth... Thanks for the compliment :)

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