Are you not over-analyzing this? Hundreds of people dive every day in Cozumel using all different kinds of computers, including Suunto. I recall your other thread from a few days ago, and I refrained from commenting because I didn't think I had anything to add (and I still don't, but since when does that stop people?).
What is your actual concern behind these threads? Are you: (a) concerned about DCS in Cozumel, or (b) concerned your computer annoyingly will go into emergency deco? If it's (a), do you have reason to believe there is a higher incidence of DCS in Cozumel than other popular dive regions? If so, please share the information--and I'm not being snarky here, as I really am curious since I dive in Coz occasionally. If this is a valid concern, then there may be a larger problem with Coz dive ops than what computer one uses. And yes, the surface interval stats would be interesting. If there is some reason to believe that dive ops in Coz are not following as conservative practices as dive ops elsewhere in the world and that's leading to a higher incidence of DCS, then that would be interesting to know. A possible way to deal with it would be to emphasize to your dive op that you are a relatively conservative diver and outline what you expect the dive profile to be like. Pick one of the dive ops that people here on SB have recommended again and again. SB is a great resource for that. But this doesn't really have anything to do with what computer one uses.
On the other hand, if your concern is not (a) but rather only (b), it seems to me that you just don't like your Suunto, and your "problem" would be solved by buying a different computer. I have a Suunto D6 and my dive buddy (wife) has a Suunto Cobra 3, and we like them very much. I KNOW Suunto is more conservative than many other computers, and that's the primary reason I went with Suunto rather than another computer. On rare occasion, this has led to us ending our dive earlier than others in our group. When it happened, we saw it as insurance and an indication that it was probably just as well to call it quits for the day and have a margarita. To agonize over your Cozumel trip simply because, at the root of it all you don't like your computer seems like an exercise in frustration. Just get a different computer and acknowledge that you're not as conservative a diver as you thought you were when you bought the Suunto.