Oh yeh - I can't believe I didn't make the nitrox suggestion - DUH - haha!
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Hey remember (most of you won't) when your SI was calculated off a table and a wrist watch? With the ensuing argument about the differences between NAUI and PADI tables! The SI calcu was made only after you had changed your own tanks, eaten a torta or couple of tacos and washed it down with a beer or two, all the while drifting in the sun on a panga smelling of fish and gasoline and the captain fishing non-stop?
Troublesome image? Yes, we did have concerns about exceeding the lifetime of the ice for the ride back to town!![]()
It can be interesting, and sometimes frustrating, to see how these threads evolve. .
I am impressed with your concern for safety and wanting to understand what you are getting into, I wish MORE divers were like this. You would probably be mortified to know how many "experienced" divers we see that don't even know how to set their computers, let alone use them properly. With that said, and I don't mean this with any disrespect - I do think you are over analyzing this just a bit.
Of course the surface interval is important and plays a factor, but it's not going to make much of a difference on the first dive of the day, which is the dive that has the most potential to put you in unplanned deco. It is the deepest dive and the way the SUNNTO algorithms work is that they load you up at depth. Where some computers start giving you credit back as soon as you start ascending, the SUUNTO basically requires you to get to the 30 to 40 ft mark before it will start giving you credit back - so many SUUNTO users end up with a few minutes of "unplanned deco" pretty frequently.
I am not ENCOURAGING you to go into "unplanned deco" but I'm just trying to put it in perspective for you. This is not TRULY deco, and not a reason to be concerned - conscious and alert of it, yes, but you are not going to get bent because you were a couple of minutes into "SUUNTO deco". If you get bent, I assure you there are other factors playing into it (that's another totally different topic). The explanation is far too in depth to go into here, but maybe one of the real techies will have the time and energy for it.
The bottom line is as you said, be responsible for your OWN safety and dive plan and WATCH your computer.If you hit that "unplanned deco" point, signal the DM that you need to ascend. Ascend to the point you need to and you will see your computer clear within a few minutes...and another VERY SIMPLE (I KNOW there is more to it, especially for true deco dives) rule is if you have a deco obligation, CLEAR it! As log as you clear it in an instance like this and then follow with a proper safety stop (I never do less than 5 minutes), you haven't "put yourself in danger."
If you watch your computer throughout the dive, and do a true multi-level dive not spending too much time at the max depth, you will be ok. But if you do need to ascend shallower than the rest of the group, signal the DM and stay above them if you can until you have completed your stop(s). There is not a DM worth his/her salt that wold force you to stay down if your computer is putting you in violation mode. The really good ones will also deploy a signal marker/sausage for you so that you are not surfacing in the "dark" - and so that the boat captain knows he has a diver surfacing. Discuss this with your DM on the boat as part of the dive plan to make sure you are on the same page - you'll probably find that you are.
I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how professional and qualified the DM's here are if you are with a quality operation, and you ARE booked with one. Unlike the weekend warrior DM's and Instructors (some of who claim to have more dives than DM's that have been diving 15 years 5-6 days a week - cracks me up because in most cases it would be impossible - it's a chest thumping thing) , these guys are diving every single day in the open water and manage divers of every level, every personality, have seen every computer, and know every dive in their sleep. They've handled more real life situations than you can imagine.
I'm not saying to go on a "trust me dive" - but I am saying that you are in good hands and you are not going to be given an unsafe dive plan. I said it before, but the guides are also planning the profiles for themselves, they dive virtually every day, week after week - they need to keep themselves safe as well. If THEIR computers are not going into unplanned deco, then yours shouldn't be either if you are following the dive plan!
I hope that was all as clear as mud - haha!
Moral of the story, hydrate, relax, hydrate, have fun, hydrate and WATCH YOUR COMPUTER - oh and HYDRATE!
Just a thought: why not borrow an Oceanic (or other) computer from your dive op and run it side by side with your Suunto for a few days for comparison and give us a report (in the computer forum please!). I'm not suggesting you switch between them, stick with your Suunto as primary, just observe and record the differences, if you are that motivated (and you might be!). I think you may find the exercise a somewhat interesting non-event, however you might find something to share.
I envy you on your first trip to Cozumel, I made mine nearly 3 decades ago and still remember those dives.
...Moral of the story, hydrate, relax, hydrate, have fun, hydrate and WATCH YOUR COMPUTER - oh and HYDRATE!