I am not ENCOURAGING you to go into "unplanned deco" but I'm just trying to put it in perspective for you. This is not TRULY deco, and not a reason to be concerned - conscious and alert of it, yes, but you are not going to get bent because you were a couple of minutes into "SUUNTO deco". If you get bent, I assure you there are other factors playing into it (that's another totally different topic). The explanation is far too in depth to go into here, but maybe one of the real techies will have the time and energy for it.
I do tech dives, I do deco, but I do not consider myself a deco expert.
What I can say is this : Deco in itself is not a problem. As long as you deal with it the proper way.
I also do not advertise going into planned deco untrained. What you do need to consider however is that EVERY dive is in fact a deco dive. The No deco limits are the dives that let you get away without deco/safety stop ( which are not the same btw).
A really simple way to deal with this is slow ascents (and hydration, moderate alcohol consumption, enough sleep etc) and always a safety stop.
If your computer ( and I remember my Suunto doing that a lot of years ago) shows you have a "ceiling" that means you are actually what is called "in deco". Now watch what happens... You start ascending a bit and the ceiling disappears. If you stay at that depth your ceiling may come back etc... In effect you are doing deco stops, you just don't realize it.
If dealt with properly (and is properly trained), you can do really hardcore deco dives with the same SI as rec dives without (serious risk of) getting bent. (there is ALWAYS a risk).
Personally, if I were gasgirl, I would not worry about the surface intervals too much. If you would take your good old recreational dive planner table and calculated some repetitive dives you will see that only if you get to pressure groups W/X (PADI table for air) then you should have a SI of 1 hour or more. If you stay within those limits you will be fine...
Off course it never hurts to increase your margins. And if you find yourself unable to prolong a SI, just stay shallower that the rest of the group. There are a lot of methods to increase your margins... Knowing how to deal with deco is one, but I realize not everyone has that drive...
I hope this helps...